Question About Missing Calf? HELP!


10 Years
May 1, 2009
Yesterday evening my husband discovered one of our beef cows had had her calf and it somehow had slipped under the fence away from the cow. He tried to carry it to his truck to put it in the back and it wiggled away from him, strong and healthy, it kinda took off and ran into the tall grass alongside of the fenceline!

We have been searching for this calf but cannot seem to find him. the Mother is mooing for him but we hear nothing, no response This will be the second night away from the cow. we are very concerned about where the little calf could be and why he isn't communicating with his mom or trying to find his way back to her.

This is very strange to us! What are your thoughts, they surely would be appreciated as we are quite concerned! We have raised many calves and never have run across anything like this before.

Obviously you know you have to be super careful with brand new calves. When I was a kid, we had one get up startled and run for a half mile without stopping. Had there been tall grass we would never have found it. This happened alot, especially with our angus cows.

At this point in time.


Prayer works.
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Is there a chance a coyote got him? That could explain the not responding or not finding him. Although if it was an attack you'd think there would be evidence. Well I wish you luck and that is all i can think of. I pray you find him soon if he is still ok.
I told my husband we should do that, he said if we can't find him, he said we might try that. I want to do it right away, first light, he wants to wait a couple of days. But ya know by then it could be too late! I am going to pray that we find him tomorrow!

It seems so strange cuz we went right back out within about 10 min after the incident but no calf was to be found, everything quiet, that's what is so odd about the whole thing. He said he was strong and healthy looking! Mom was mooing for him but we didn't hear a thing even in the beginning.

I want to let her out!!!!!!! But I would be alone, so probly not a good idea.

If you don't turn the cow out soon the calf is going to be too weak to respond to her. In two days the calf is going to be dead. If a calf gets lost it will usually just hunker down. It is real hard to be able to spot them.
is the property next to you owned by someone? If so I would ask them...

Our neighbors breed Angus and one morning there was this precious little calf on our side of the double fence (their side is barb wire and ours is a 5ft tall no climb fence there is about a foot in between the two) he was freaking out, I couldnt find how he got into our paddock, and he was ramming himself into the fence.

I felt like I had no choice he could have seriously injured himself, so I took him and put him in a stall in our barn. Once we got in touch with our neighbors they came and got him.

Hopefully something like that has happened to your little one..

Good Luck
-In our area, we have been having trouble with some one stealing the cattle. Our neighbor has had several stolen. There was an ad in the paper that some one was missing a bull. I hope you find your calf. DJ
Do you have a dog that won't chase the calf if it finds it? Or perhaps do any neighbours have Border Collies and a spare hour or so?
Still havn't found him!! Later today we are going to have our son and our 3 little grandsons come over and help us!! They are all excited and happy to help!! The oldest one is 10 so they if anyone should be able to find him! I sure hope so, I started bawling after I couldn't find him today!
I went thru alot of grass and weeds almost as tall as me and I'm 5' 6" an nothing to show for it except a couple ticks and the itchies!! Please keep us in good thoughts that this will turn out good! Thanks to you that replied and offered ideas and support. Much appreciated.

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