Question of the Day - Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

I wouldn't say messy but we have a lot of clutter. Hubby likes a good deal so when he sees one, he gets it. For example, a big box home store had an eight foot front door on clearance for less than $100. He bought it even though there is no way we could use it🤦‍♀️
Today's question is from @HorseGirlAbby:

I'm kind of in the middle.
Me too. I was extremely neat/organized at work. Have always been neat/clean/organized around my animals. The Princess has finally trained me to be neat in the house. My truck is a mess. She once walked by it, looked in, and said, "I didn't know you were living in there." She's a very sarcastic person,.
Messy... But I try really hard not to be! It just gets that way so easily,
Yes, and
trying not be messy.

Hubby says he hates clutter, but he's half of the clutter problem. I know I could be neater too.

Does anyone else call dust bunnies, "pets"? :oops:

I told him before we got married that he was not marrying Mrs. Clean.

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