

Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Who has rabbits? Thinking of getting some after seeing (and holding) the adorable bunnies at farm day lol I've had one before and he was awesome but he was also caged cause I didn't really know better. Kind of want a free roam house bunny or at least an x pen one but not sure I have the room or want the smell and hay inside the house so then I thought maybe I'll put it outside but I don't really want to do the traditional small hutches. Was thinking of making a bigger run and/or having a colony of rabbits but I know sometimes that can cause aggression issues. I also don't really want one outside because I want to be able pet it and play with it and make it a pet so I don't know. Anyway, I was thinking of getting Flemish Giant, New Zealand, or Californian because they are pretty large and I figured if I get a very large one the dog wouldn't try to eat it? He might a mini one but one the size of a dog maybe not ha plus they are very docile. But if I keep it outside it may not matter. Lops and Rex are also absolutely adorable so idk. Anyway, besides pellets and hay, anything I'm missing?
I like to feed mine some veggies but you will want to looks up what veggies they can eat before you give them to the rabbit because a lot of stuff with hurt her but I love rabbits I have one who is six mouths old and lives outside because I have a German shepherd and a lab so it would get eaten in side but I really wish I could bring her inside to live but I can't but I have a herlaquin rabbit she is very sweet and I love her colors lol rabbits are the best they are so cute IMG_20180618_153334_796.jpg her name is Bella
I had a rex rabbit, who was in a cage in the living room. We tried to let her free roam around the house, but she ended up chewing everything, including the house phone wires, my dad's work laptop wires, & everything else she could get a hold of, so I suggest you be carful if you choose to do that :p
Another thing that we did was have an indoor cage for her, & on nice days take her into a run outside.

As for feeding her, we always had pellets & grass for her, & gave her large salads (minus the dressing of course ;)) at night.
I miss my baby. She was from a pet store listed as a mini lop. That was a crock. She was a flemish/lop cross. She lived in a dog cage at night but had the run of most of the first floor during the day. My roommates got a kick out of her and she was like having a little dog around that had a funny little attitude stealing our homework or snack boxes for attention. Would even jump up on the couch next to us to be petted. I do have to say she was insane and wanted nothing to do with anyone for the first year. Had to get her fixed and let the hormones chill which took months. Unfortunately lost her way too early, in my opinion, to a hairball that the vet raked me over the coals for with a lecture and the bill. I agree the hay in the house is no fun but some have a less intense smell than others. Just know that not all bunnies are sweet and cuddly and can have a wide range of personalities.
Also I got a sweet older guy a few years later after he was dumped at the local humane society with the name Dodo. He would run into things and needless to say I discovered he was blind. Got him living with the other dwarf I had at the time, which took a while because she was a pistol, and he lived happily.(Even had him clicker trained) Didn't have him long but he was a doll and even if I knew I wouldn't have him long I wouldn't have changed a thing. Point being don't forget to check the local humane societies and take thing slow with your new friend. I personally try not to focus on the age of the animal I adopt. I've had some amazing experiences with animals no one else wanted because of their age. Plus you can already know their personality. Have fun and good luck!
I had a rex rabbit, who was in a cage in the living room. We tried to let her free roam around the house, but she ended up chewing everything, including the house phone wires, my dad's work laptop wires, & everything else she could get a hold of, so I suggest you be carful if you choose to do that :p
Another thing that we did was have an indoor cage for her, & on nice days take her into a run outside.

As for feeding her, we always had pellets & grass for her, & gave her large salads (minus the dressing of course ;)) at night.

Aww she's adorable!!

I miss my baby. She was from a pet store listed as a mini lop. That was a crock. She was a flemish/lop cross. She lived in a dog cage at night but had the run of most of the first floor during the day. My roommates got a kick out of her and she was like having a little dog around that had a funny little attitude stealing our homework or snack boxes for attention. Would even jump up on the couch next to us to be petted. I do have to say she was insane and wanted nothing to do with anyone for the first year. Had to get her fixed and let the hormones chill which took months. Unfortunately lost her way too early, in my opinion, to a hairball that the vet raked me over the coals for with a lecture and the bill. I agree the hay in the house is no fun but some have a less intense smell than others. Just know that not all bunnies are sweet and cuddly and can have a wide range of personalities.
Also I got a sweet older guy a few years later after he was dumped at the local humane society with the name Dodo. He would run into things and needless to say I discovered he was blind. Got him living with the other dwarf I had at the time, which took a while because she was a pistol, and he lived happily.(Even had him clicker trained) Didn't have him long but he was a doll and even if I knew I wouldn't have him long I wouldn't have changed a thing. Point being don't forget to check the local humane societies and take thing slow with your new friend. I personally try not to focus on the age of the animal I adopt. I've had some amazing experiences with animals no one else wanted because of their age. Plus you can already know their personality. Have fun and good luck!

Thank you for adopting and loving them :love

I hadn't thought of adopting one but now I think I might.

Ohh lemon juice did wonders to curb the chewing by the way and made the house smell nice.

Ohh good idea!

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