Recommendation for hemp bedding

So it's processed into pellets like wood stove pellets are?
Yes I guess you can say it’s similar to wood pellets. Wood pellets I think are formed a little better. I tried taking a picture so you can get a better idea. I noticed it has a little dust when spreading it. The chicks seem to like it.

I get whatever's cheapest on Amazon. It's pretty tricky finding it locally unless you happen to be close to a manufacturer/distributor. As I don't use it as my primary bedding (and my primary bedding is free) that helps stretch it out and reduce the cost, like I buy a 33 lb bag every 1 1/2 - 2 years. I specifically use it under the roost for easy sifting of poops, and because it disappears much better in the compost than wood chips.


Wood chips in foreground, hemp behind.
Dominion Hemp, 50-55 including shipping for a 33# bale. Best price I’ve found and fluffier and softer than the hemp I bought through Carolina Coops.

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