Rhode Island Red/Easter Egger cross

Any update? Has she started laying yet?
No eggs yet but she looks like she is about to start laying, her comb which looks to be a pea comb is almost fully developed and face is very red in color, hoping to get some eggs very soon I’ll post some pictures of her at the moment when I can get some and definitely will update when she starts laying!
No eggs yet but she looks like she is about to start laying, her comb which looks to be a pea comb is almost fully developed and face is very red in color, hoping to get some eggs very soon I’ll post some pictures of her at the moment when I can get some and definitely will update when she starts laying!

Can’t wait to see! 🤞🏻🤞🏻It’s soon.
That’s the hardest part about chickens. Waiting for them to lay eggs.
Forgot to update when my hen started laying but here’s a pic of her beautiful egg now! She ended up laying a light hued olive egg with occasional tiny amounts of speckles!
I am in the second week of brooding a big batch of RIR hens with a Easter Egger rooster. I figure that these two breeds have without a doubt the best production/family friendly/hardiness factors of any other breed. I was surprised that there is nothing on the web without the few exceptions of "accidents" about crossing these two breeds. I hope there is not a reason for not crossing! My plan is to cross two generations with selectivity of production of tinted eggs., reddish cream color chickens, and upwards of around a 7 pound bird. I'll let you know what happens with my experiment.
What ended up coming from your cross breading?
I crossed an Easter Egger Roo that has grey legs and tail end and a mostly red front end with Rhode Island Red hens. Chicks came out either looking like a traditional RIR chick or black/grey with grey legs. I grey one of the grey ones out and gave the rest away. Turned out to be a beautiful hen that lays very well, is more docile that RIR hens with very good egg shell quality and brown eggs. I have another batch in the incubator now with the same RIR hens and possibly some of the grey hens eggs. The first one to hatch is grey/black and the second is like a RIR chick colour. I’m interested to see if they will be sex-linked. If so, this will be my go to breeders from now on!
I have a Easter egger rooster and a RIR hen and I just put a batch of 8 eggs in the incubator the eggs are set to hatch the 10th of September I will be sure to keep you guys informened on what they look like

Long time ago, but did you have success?
I have a Easter egger rooster and a RIR hen and I just put a batch of 8 eggs in the incubator the eggs are set to hatch the 10th of September I will be sure to keep you guys informened on what they look like

Long time ago, but did you have success?
I did this cross twice 12 years ago.
Using a EE or Ameraucana Rooster with slate colored skin/legs x RIR Hens with yellow skin/ legs.
Male chicks hatched out with yellowish colored legs, females hatched out with slate skin / legs.
All my pullets from crossing laid greenish moss colored eggs.
Was a good cross for temperament and better productive layers.
Here's our RIR x Easter Egger cross hen. She lays olive-colored green eggs.
Father is Rhode Island Red and mother is Easter Egger.


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