Rooster eye matted and somewhat swollen shut


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 15, 2014
Kershaw, SC
I have a young rooster who's eye is lightly matted and a little swollen. Hasn't slowed him down. Still runs around with the others in the group, eating well. Doesn't seem to show any signs of being sick. Thinking he may have been pecked in the eye but not sure. What can I use to help treat his eye
While those symptoms can also mean a respiratory disease such as MG or coryza (coryza usually has a bad odor,) an eye injury or infection could be a problem. Saline can be used to clean the eye, and Terramycin, or plain Neosporin ointment can be applied twice a day. Vetericyn is also a good product for the eyes. If you notice any coughing, sneezing, chest rattles, then you may want to read this link and consider treating with Tylan 50 given orally or as a shot for 3-5 days, or putting oxytetacycline in the water for him only:
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With the Neosporin or the other. Can I just rub it over his eye or just around it. This is new to me. No other signs that I see. He just rubs his eye on his side like he is trying to get something off his head. Thanks
Just squeeze a tiny bit--about 1/8 inch strip of ointment into the eye by pulling down the lower eyelid. Might need an extra pair of hands. Here is a video of applying eye ointment to a human:
Thanks for the help. Wanted to post a pic. He seems to be doing good. he doesn't keep it shut all the time but the bump seems to cover part of his eye. It is mostly just watery know with a bump at the top of his eye. The first pic was when a few day after I started putting neosporin in it, then the next is last night. That is a peace of dried skin on his eye. It looks list a pimple under his eye lid when I can get him to let me look. He is eating good and runs around with everyone. Any ideas to what else I can do. Thanks again for you help

Does he smell bad? Have you given him any antibiotics in his water or shots? I would clean the eye out with saline and continue Neosporin in his eye. He could possibly have a respiratory disease such as MG or coryza, so I would keep him away from the others, and treat him. Did you ever see a mark where he could have been pecked?
No smell. I have not given antibiotics in water or shot. Wouldn't I have seen other signs if it was respiratory issue by now. It has been about two weeks since this started. didn't see a mark but really didn't think about that to begin with. Where do I get the antibiotics to put in the water and what is it called.
currently he live in a "bachelor pad" with 4 other Roo's Will they be hard on him if I remove him and then return him after he heals. Don't want to stress him out
If he is with 3 other roosters, then I would bet that he was pecked around the eye. Yes, they will beat him up if he is gone for any length of time. For a respiratory disease, Tylan50 injections into the breast muscle, or given orally 1 ml daily for 5 days would be good. For an abscess a stronger medicine from the vet such as Baytril would be better. Gallimycin (erythromycn) or tetracycline in his water would treat either. Both Tylan 50 and tetracycline,Gallimycin are sold at feed stores and online.

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