Rooster stopped crowing


Jun 2, 2022
Massachusetts, USA
Hi all,

I have a beloved Serama rooster named Ozzy who has always been healthy and loves to crow. The last two days he’s stopped though, and I’m worried. My last rooster who stopped crowing ended up having Marek’s, and passed. I really don’t want that to happen to Ozzy.

Two things that might be contributing - I’ve recently changed their coop (indoors for now because of the weather), and placed them all together (they were separated before due to space, but the new coop is big). He is currently with five hens and a pullet chick. He’s met all of them before, so they’re not all super new to each other.

I also recently hatched out six serama chicks, four of which are cockerels. Also within the past two days they’ve been embracing their voices and started baby-crowing.

Am I being paranoid and him not crowing is just because he’s hearing other cockerels (even though they’re not housed together)? Is it the stress of the move?

He’s otherwise acting normal, clucking for the girls and eating. No obvious illness or paralysis.

Hi I'm pretty new to this too. Hopefully all is good with your rooster. I had 2 that stopped crowing and at the end they passed away. But what they have told me here that sometimes they stop crowing for many reasons. So hopefully like you say it could be the stress because you say he is acting normal and eating. Keep us updated. Wishing the best.
Hi I'm pretty new to this too. Hopefully all is good with your rooster. I had 2 that stopped crowing and at the end they passed away. But what they have told me here that sometimes they stop crowing for many reasons. So hopefully like you say it could be the stress because you say he is acting normal and eating. Keep us updated. Wishing the best.
I really hope he ends up okay, and that he’s just reacting to the babies crowing.

I haven’t had good luck with my roosters so far. I lost my first to suspected Marek’s, and my second to what I can only assume was a heart issue. They seem a lot more susceptible to illness than the girls.

I’ll keep a close eye on him!
Age? Diet? Any other symptoms or anything new in his area?
He’s approximately a year old.

I have all of them on New Country Organics Layer Feed.

No other symptoms at all. He’s still clucking, eating, and mating with the hens. I moved him in with the girls a few days ago, but he was still crowing after that. The only big change is him being able to hear the babies crowing.
He’s approximately a year old.

I have all of them on New Country Organics Layer Feed.

No other symptoms at all. He’s still clucking, eating, and mating with the hens. I moved him in with the girls a few days ago, but he was still crowing after that. The only big change is him being able to hear the babies crowing.
Well, layer feed isn't good for male and other nonlaying birds like babies and resting hens, too much calcium can cause kidney damage and gout but that's not the issue. It would be best to feed everyone chick feed or flock feed, and throw oyster shell out for your layers.
He's probably trying to figure out the new birds.
Well, layer feed isn't good for male and other nonlaying birds like babies and resting hens, too much calcium can cause kidney damage and gout but that's not the issue. It would be best to feed everyone chick feed or flock feed, and throw oyster shell out for your layers.
He's probably trying to figure out the new birds.
I am actually going to switch them over soon - I was giving everyone multi-flock for awhile, but then I spoke to my feed store and they told me it would be okay to give everyone layer.

I heard Kalmbach Henhouse Reserve can be given to roosters without any issues, so I’m going to switch them all to that.

I hope he’s just confused by the babies! It’s probably unsettling to suddenly hear a bunch of little cockerels learn how to crow 😂
I am actually going to switch them over soon - I was giving everyone multi-flock for awhile, but then I spoke to my feed store and they told me it would be okay to give everyone layer.

I heard Kalmbach Henhouse Reserve can be given to roosters without any issues, so I’m going to switch them all to that.

I hope he’s just confused by the babies! It’s probably unsettling to suddenly hear a bunch of little cockerels learn how to crow 😂
Sounds good.
Any feed with less than 2% calcium is ok for non layers, you want ay least 18% protein for your laying hens and growing babies.
I have one disabled rooster that lives in a cage by the entrance to the coop. He has a cute adolescent crow. The times he's not crowing usually signal distress: he's cold from the draft, he misses his disabled hen mate (sometimes she goes out of the cage), or injury (a rat bit his toe once).
I have one disabled rooster that lives in a cage by the entrance to the coop. He has a cute adolescent crow. The times he's not crowing usually signal distress: he's cold from the draft, he misses his disabled hen mate (sometimes she goes out of the cage), or injury (a rat bit his toe once).
Oh, good call on the being cold thing! I purchased Ozzy and a hen from a breeder in Florida, so when he moved to Massachusetts I bought him a heating panel. I took it away when he moved into the new coop. I wonder if he’s feeling a little cold. I hope it’s as simple as that - he’s making mer nervous!

(Also I understand the disabled rooster love - before my first rooster passed from Marek’s, he was paralyzed. I had a wheelchair made for him, and would give him warm baths to clean him. Roosters have so much personality! I can’t help but love them)

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