Rooster with droopy head


8 Years
Dec 18, 2011
My 11-month rooster can't keep his head up. He either stands with his head down on the ground between his legs, so that the head is upside down, or he sits and puts the head on the ground. He also has diarrhoea. When I pick him up he raises his head and looks all bright and alert for a minute and then his head droops again. He will drink water if a bowl is brought to his beaks, but is off other food. I've isolated him and and am providing extra heat, but he is still pretty listless. The other two roosters seem to be doing okay. We've had a cold/windy spell and part of the rooster house was being repaired so I am desperately hoping that he just caught a cold.
Well, since you haven't posted anything about what you are feeding I will give a few helpful suggestions......
Check for lice/mites [under wings and around vent]
Is any other of your birds showing and problems?
Put pedialyte or sav-a-chick in the water for him and try anything and everything foodwise to try to entice him to eat something.....If you do find something he likes, give him as much as he wants.
Isolate and warmth [you did that-great] keep him that way.....
There are so many respritory diseases that chickens can get that it is hard to tell you anything about those if he is not showing any other symptoms other than droopy head.

Start small and go from there right now and keep posting and bumping your post.
Here is one site with some info

Try looking into droopy head in BYC and see what comes up.
Good luck and hope your roo gets better.....
Thanks. My roosters are fed on a home mixed corn/wheat/rice/grass seed mix, with Vitamin B added to the mix once a week, and they get chopped leafy veg and some plain boiled rice once a day. With the construction, it has been a bit difficult for the past couple of days to keep their water clean.
My Roo was apparently pecked badly by the other rooster. It's a pretty bad neck wound but seems to be slowly healing - at least he holds up his head for a few minutes at a time. He's eating orange and cucumber, as well as a boiled egg/oatmeal/honey mix (hand fed while sitting on my lap). Doesn't seem to want to drink water though, and the poop is watery.

I never trimmed their beaks, but now I'm afraid that when I put this rooster back with the others after he has been away for so long, they will all attack him
These chickens are 11 month old, can I just trim their top beaks a bit with my dog's nail clipper?

What assortment of chickens do you have together [boy/girl]? I have a feeling the roos need to be seperated or they will just do it again......
Neosporin on the wound will be helpful, I am glad you found out the problem.

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