Roosters or not?


Sep 29, 2022
So, I bought six day old chicks from Meyer, supposedly all males. They're now just under four weeks old.

#1 is a cream legbar. I'm 100% sure it's a he from his initial coloring.

#2 is a blue copper maran, which I've dubbed "moon boots" due to the already outrageous leg feathering.

#3 is another blue copper maran.


#4 is a blue cuckoo maran. I'm on the fence about the gender on this one.

#5 is a blue cuckoo maran, pretty sure it's a cockerel

#6 is the last blue cuckoo maran. Pay no attention to the photobombing guinea in the foreground.
I agree with you on #4. It's the only one I think could maybe be a pullet. But more likely it is just a late bloomer. Hatcheries may not be 100% accurate when they sell sexed pullets, but with cockerels they probably are closer to that.
So an update on the one I thought was a hen. I'm still not sure on sex but he or she at six weeks is definitely not any kind of a Maran. It's developing a full beard and a crest. Also, it's got a "split toe" in one foot: I thought it was an injury but it's rear toe is two toes spaced close together, each with a separate nail.
So I wonder what the heck they sent me?
So an update on the one I thought was a hen. I'm still not sure on sex but he or she at six weeks is definitely not any kind of a Maran. It's developing a full beard and a crest. Also, it's got a "split toe" in one foot: I thought it was an injury but it's rear toe is two toes spaced close together, each with a separate nail.View attachment 3516084 So I wonder what the heck they sent me?
?cuckoo bluebar or olive egger? Since time has passsed, what was it?
So an update on the one I thought was a hen. I'm still not sure on sex but he or she at six weeks is definitely not any kind of a Maran. It's developing a full beard and a crest. Also, it's got a "split toe" in one foot: I thought it was an injury but it's rear toe is two toes spaced close together, each with a separate nail.View attachment 3516084 So I wonder what the heck they sent me?
I am think a Green Queen. Time will tell when she starts laying eggs. That is a hen because I am not seeing and hackle feathers and the feet are skinny like that of a female. That really looks like a Green Queen though. Do have any other hens for her to be with or just your roosters??
I forgot I'd posted this thread, too. It turns out Claudius is an Olive Egger rooster. Not only is he absolutely gorgeous but he's the hardest working rooster in my flock.

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