Sebright/Silkie cross...?


12 Years
Oct 30, 2007
Im just wondering what they might look like. I dont have any plans to cross them, Im just curious. Would that work or is there a gene that will mess things up ? Does anyone have a pic of a Silkbright ?
I don't have a picture but they are pretty. my mother has had some white crossed with silver seabright. Make very pretty chickens. It was a seabright roo over white silkie hen. The offspring have the silver lacing.
Go ahead and shoot me for reviving a century's old thread, but i want to let someone, anyone who cares know that i just hatched out a few blue silkie rooster over golden sebright hen chicks. they have black skin, 6 toes, fuzzy legs, humps on their heads where the crests will be in the future (a defining mark of females or so i'm told) and they're tiny little bantams. currently they're completly black and one is greyish like a blue color. I'm hoping they'll have some gold leakage due to the mother but i dont know enough about genetics. Figured someone would like to know.
Not a bad looking bird.

Too bad she's useful only for hatching and rearing.

Bad egg layer, small eggs, and not a purebred.

Might be just me, but I'd never bred non-pure unless I was going for an olive egger.
Not a bad looking bird.

Too bad she's useful only for hatching and rearing.

Bad egg layer, small eggs, and not a purebred.

Might be just me, but I'd never bred non-pure unless I was going for an olive egger.

Wow! What a tactless critique!

I think she is just striking in appearance :)

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