Setting Up an Integration Facility


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I want to eventually build a brooder/integration pen into Neuchickenstein, but since it will soon be time to begin the process as the 25 from Welp wean off heat I'm going to have to use a temporary pen again.

The lid of the playpen is damaged, needing some of it's structural lumber replaced, but I moved the frame into the coop and topped it with a couple panels from the other playpen frame. I then used some of the metal roof scraps to give the chicks a bit of a privacy corner -- with the leaning pieces also providing escape tunnels where the adults can't go.

I need to make a door that only chicks can fit through (what do y'all think about using 2x4 wire?), and add additional structure to the area near the door so that they can go from their safe space into safe cover.

I have a couple weeks to work through it -- they're not off heat yet.

I need to make a door that only chicks can fit through (what do y'all think about using 2x4 wire?)
I don't know what age your chicks will not fit through that 2x4 wire but I like the idea. That way they can get through anywhere along that fence, not just one spot like a hole or a door. You might want to have a temporary fence for the first few days so they learn where home and safety is before they mingle.
I don't know what age your chicks will not fit through that 2x4 wire but I like the idea. That way they can get through anywhere along that fence, not just one spot like a hole or a door. You might want to have a temporary fence for the first few days so they learn where home and safety is before they mingle.

I can probably achieve that.

There's a lot of advantage to over-sized facilities -- that flexibility and options you talk about in your article on space needs. :D
Today, I added more clutter to the coop in anticipation of opening this up come Thursday when I'm off again and can supervise.

I also have to install the inner chick curtain on the electric net. (I'd love to get the "shock or not" netting, but heaven knows when it will be available again).
The broody breaker cage gives birds something to get up on top of and I've got the door secured so that a chick can scoot under but an adult can't. There is also a tunnel against the wall.

The bin gives them an out-of-sight place.

The adults will be able to go over the pen, of course, but I've noticed that they don't like to be in tight spots like this and it's another pursuit-stopper because chicks will fit at ground level but adults will not. The pieces of metal leaning on the playpen to offer shelter from the elements also make for escape tunnels.

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