Shell-less egg…


Sep 16, 2022
Mariposa, CA
Hi. I have a 3.5 year old hen that just layed a shell-less egg in front of me. She had been having shell problems last year, laying soft shells. We tried the daily calcium pills and it didn’t improve anything. Then she molted in the fall and to my knowledge never layed again. She’s been broody off and on and has no other issues or symptoms. Is this always a calcium issue? Any recommendations or advise? Thank you so much.
If she is your only hen laying soft shells it is probably not that calcium is not available for her. If you have other hens laying good eggs it is certainly not a flock problem, it is an individual hen problem. If she chooses to not eat a calcium supplement offered her instincts could be wrong. You tried the calcium pills and it did not help so it is probably not this.

It could be that her body does not process what calcium she eats properly. It is possible her shell gland is not working as it should. I suspect it is one of these. When hens get older they can develop laying problems. I would not consider that old but some do age prematurely, especially if they are a high production breed or hybrid.

I don't have any ideas on how to get her laying again. As long as she is acting healthy she should be OK if you want to keep her as a pet or possibly use her as a broody.

That is something I was not thinking of. What do you mean she's been off and on broody? Has she been a committed broody to where you have to break her broodiness or has she just been spending a lot of time on the nest?
Hi. Thank you for the feedback. She’s the only one with the problem. She’s been having soft shell issues for a long time before she stopped laying. She is the only one left from my first flock and we love her dearly. I don’t need her to lay, I just want to make sure she’s ok. It was a bit daunting to see her lay a egg without a shell😳

What does it mean “keep her as a broody”? I always thought broodiness was not good? I’m a first timer so I’m not sure if she’s a committed broody…. She spends all day in the nest some days. When she’s like that and we let them out of the run, she will pace back and forth until we let her back inside the run. She then runs back to the nesting box. I have to lift her up to pick up eggs sometimes because she will not move😂

Not sure what kind of hen she is but I included a picture.


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You said she goes broody. Some people like a broody hen to hatch and raise chicks. Some even keep hens that go broody after they really slow down laying just for that. Other people do not want a broody which apparently includes you.
You said she goes broody. Some people like a broody hen to hatch and raise chicks. Some even keep hens that go broody after they really slow down laying just for that. Other people do not want a broody which apparently includes you.
Ah gotcha. We don’t have a rooster…. Thanks for your help😊

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