Silkie attacked by hawk. Now twitching head.


Mar 11, 2024
My silkie was attacked by a hawk 2 days ago, now she is behaving differently. She separated herself from the others and is not as active. She is a year old and when she was attacked we immediately chased the hawk away. I dont think the hawk ever grabbed her. She had only a very small cut under her beak that didn't bleed very much. That cut was less than half a centimeter. It was more like a scratch. She feels the same size now, is warm to touch and is able to walk. She will eat or drink when prompted and if we touch her she acts normal. Her stools are somewhat looser than normal but she is definitely still pooping. But she isn't playful or active. We brought her inside the house and when we put her down she just closed her eyes and appears to be sleeping but her head keeps twitching. We fed her water and she drank it but she is totally out of it.

I really don't know whats wrong.
My silkie was attacked by a hawk 2 days ago, now she is behaving differently. She separated herself from the others and is not as active. She is a year old and when she was attacked we immediately chased the hawk away. I dont think the hawk ever grabbed her. She had only a very small cut under her beak that didn't bleed very much. That cut was less than half a centimeter. It was more like a scratch. She feels the same size now, is warm to touch and is able to walk. She will eat or drink when prompted and if we touch her she acts normal. Her stools are somewhat looser than normal but she is definitely still pooping. But she isn't playful or active. We brought her inside the house and when we put her down she just closed her eyes and appears to be sleeping but her head keeps twitching. We fed her water and she drank it but she is totally out of it.

I really don't know whats wrong.
Omg how stressful and sad. Please keep us in the loop as to whether she will be okay or not. I’m grateful to know you were able to save her from the hawk. When my flock was attacked by hawks, there were at least 8 of them- a few on the ground, the rest in the trees- and they could not be saved 😢. Sending prayers to you and your chicken.

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