so.. what breed/gender is my new flock?


12 Years
Jul 22, 2007
tell me what breeds u think these are?




i know that the yellow ones r buff orp.. but the rest.. i am unsure.. do tell
I think the gold neck featherd one is a Black Sex link and the black hens i think are Black austrolorp. white one i cant hardly see.. they all look like hens to me exept maybee that buff orp in the upper right?
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I don't think the black with gold is a black sexlink. A black sexlink is a heavier bird and has gold on their chest areas. I want to say that is a ligher looking bird but I don't know what kind.
Is it fullgrown???,I still believe its a bsl,Mine has more gold lower on the chest,but all the rest is the same.It doesnt look full grown to me,but the pictures are really blurry. i may be wrong...what does everyone els think?????
Your light buff ones look like my Buff Minorcas. I was hoping mine were Buff Orps, but they are just too slim and streamlined, upright,whiteish pink legs, etc...Yours look like mine, but I'm not sure how old yours are. Not sure about the others...I have Sumatras, Black Australorps, Black Stars, and White faced Black Spanish. They are all a bit different than each other. The Sumatras are totally black and smaller, the WFBS have whiter areas on their faces than the rest at a young age already ,the BS have a rusty patch of feathers on their chests, and the BA's are bigger and totally black. So I can't tell what yours are from the pix. Sorry.

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