*SOB* Raid tonight! Murder Mystery!!! 6 wounded alive so far found

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Welp... a buff orpington showed up alive and well!!!! YIPPIEEEEE *does happy dance* ... but we found the last white rock dead... he killed EVERY white rock we had 9 total. There's 1 Buff still out there... so keep your fingers crossed, but as for the head count... they are all found except 1.

No hungry predator did this... and I haven't seen any stray dogs in a LONNNGGGG time! Our neighborhood is pretty good about getting the dropped off dogs up and gone. Sooo... my conclusion is ... *drum roll*


Today... we visited ALL of the vets in our city. Couldn't seem to find one in today... I guess from the Memorial weekend coming they are all on vacation or something. But, we were able to talk with a nurse, and she gave us some good advice.

Got laughed at for trying to save a chicken... seems ducks get more respect here. LOL!

I made a splint for my Fawn Runner duck with a broken leg, and set it. That was rather a unique experience. I gave her a pinch of some pain medicine, gave her a bath, wrapped her leg up, made a bed for her in my pet carrier, and turned her to face the TV and watch cartoons with the kids. ^_^

Then... I worked on the wounded buff. Although... I'm not sure what else to do for her. She acts like it's a broken leg... but I checked and I couldn't find anything out. I think *dog* must have broken a rib. Clean wound, gave her a bed... and she's eating and drinking *check*

2 Baby Peking ducklings were safe already, as we were already extremely paranoid about the cat getting them.

1 McKinnish Welsh (sp) duck... bruised up only is in with the ducklings. They get along really good... so this was a good match.

3 RI reds safe and well in NEWLY remodeled chicken coup ^_^

1 Buff roosting on car axle... she showed up later, and too scared to let me near her. Will catch her when she falls asleep, then put her in with the rest.

2 roosters... as roosty as ever

1 missing Buff

I guess I'll have some eggs after all! ^_^

Thank you all for the loving support!!!!! And thanks for all the advice and the link on soy-free, free ranged food! Definitely a must research site!!!

One important question, Cricket....what about the dog?? I told my DH tonight about it and he asked what kind of dog, I told him and he said, of course it was the dog. It is in a beagle's nature to hunt and here was the mother lode. Poor thing, he would be happier with someone who doesn't have chickens??? Good luck with all the mending going on in your house.
Well we too had a terrible experience with one of our dogs....we had three chickies and a duck in a pen. The girl from across the street came over and left the pen open. Only one of our dogs was outside and she went in and slaughtered them all. It was a murder scene! I wanted to rip that dogs throat out with my bare hands...the only thing that stopped me was my daughter crying " mommy please don't hurt her...."
I still can't stand this dog...I am trying to forgive her but like you said it was SENSELESS!!! and that's what hurt even more!!!
but now we have a new flock...14 chickies total and three ducks!
I am loving them all now!!!!
ps I have padlocked the pen:D
I would have no problem executing a chicken killing dog at any moment in time. Relocate them? Not in my lifetime. I have a 10 year old German Shepard that adore. But I'll tell you one thing, if I ever found that she mauled any of my chickens, she'd be dead in 30 seconds or less. The only good chicken killing dog is a dead one.
Hi Cricket, well it does sound bad for your dog, ive heard that if you have a chook killing dog you can tie a dead chicken to a dog's collar and leave it hanging there for a few days.
It will get smelly and the dog wont kill again.
I hope you find the buff safe and well.
Peace be with you all,
Bantymum is right but I have also known people who have done this and it doesn't work. I had a dachshund that killed our neighbors chicks as they walked behind the mother hen. It broke my heart to get rid of that dog but he needed to live in the city where there were no chickens.
I know how you feel, but this is easier said than done, when a little sweetface is sobbing and hugging the dog and begging you not to hurt it.
There are insinuations here that beagles can't be trusted around birds - not true! My beagle loves the chickens, and she even tolerates my house bunny, who is a relentless annoyance to the poor old dog.
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