Sour Crop Treatment. Healthy again in 3 days?


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2024
Atlanta, GA
Hi all!

Thanks to the BYC world for the excellent advice on treating sour crop, I was so convinced my girl was not going to make it!!!! It was a wild journey. Probably about 2 weeks ago she started acting off, but not too out of the norm as I have a few ~odd~ chickens that sometimes are feeling antisocial. I noticed a drop in egg production (but not with the sick chicken) and was convicted of a snake coming in at night, until she fell very ill. Violent diarrhea and severe lethargy came on pretty immediately. As any newish chicken owner I immediately came to the conclusion that she had coccidiosis and started her and the whole flock that night on the recommended does of CORID (thank you guys!!!). She didn't have any blood in her poop, but everything was liquid and green. She didn't get better, and actually started getting worse. Probably about a day later I realized her crop was full and felt like a bean bag. I couldn't figure out exactly what type of Crop disorder she had because there wasn't a hard lump and it also didn't feel very squishy. After a day or 2 of just massaging nothing was really helping and I noticed a very small smell coming from her mouth. By this point I wasn't able to get her to drink anything or even have a tiny bit of a snack (I decided since she had lost so much weight that I wasn't going to withhold food). That day, I went and got some Monistat 7 cream and a small syringe. I started the first day with 3mL of the cream (this was this Monday). Since then, I have been giving 1.5 mL morning and evening. The next morning (yesterday) her crop was definitely smaller, some half solid (but still greenish) poops were in her quarantine pen and she was looking a little better but still puny. She wanted to drink and forage around but wasn't very interested in her rehydrated pellets. This morning, she is back to her normal self. Her crop is empty, drinking normally (I haven't seen her eat, but she was foraging around in the basement for bugs) Her Combs and wattles have regained their color and she is pissed I am giving her the cream still. Her poops are solid and the only thing she wants is to be out of her quarantine pen.

So my question is- when would you put her back into the coop? She hasn't been away from them for more than 5 days at this point. I don't have a very realistic way to keep her separate in the coop at the moment, but can order a small pen with a top to put in there if that's what you guys think is best.

Also- I have seen posts of people only doing 3mL of Monistat for 3 days but the sour crop bible ( says 1 in of cream for 7 days. If she has made such a sudden and great recovery is the 7 days very necessary? I am worried that the infection may come back if I stop it now. Just need some advice! There aren't may posts about such a quick turnaround or when people are letting them come back to normalcy.

TLDR: Hen is being treated with Monistat for sour crop and seems totally normal after ~3 days of treatment. When should I stop Monistat treatment and reintroduce her to the flock again?
If she is acting normal, poops are normal, and her crop is emptying, I would put her back out with the others. Continue the treatment for 7 days, and keep checking her crop in the mornings to make sure it’s empty.
If she is acting normal, poops are normal, and her crop is emptying, I would put her back out with the others. Continue the treatment for 7 days, and keep checking her crop in the mornings to make sure it’s empty.
Thank you!!!! do you think 1.5mL is too much for the monistat? since she is back to herself and acting like she hates me again, i’m struggling to get 1mL into her system!!
Thank you!!!! do you think 1.5mL is too much for the monistat? since she is back to herself and acting like she hates me again, i’m struggling to get 1mL into her system!!

It’s probably more art than science. When I’ve used the cream I just squirt about a centimetre out and get it into them however I can. Try injecting it into a piece of bread or giving it to her in a dark room so she struggles less.

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