Strange looking wild pigeon-PICS


11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Yes, I already know that I shouldnt touch or catch wild pigeons blah blah blah. Anyways, I did it on a bet and won!
One of them looks really odd compared to the others- white with brown spots and the others are a blue color. Is this normal?



Here is the creepy, old, abandoned school I caught it in......You can see one of the windows toward the top on the left side of the building is open. It's the entrance to the pigeon room...... AKA the girls bathroom.

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It looks like it was crossed with someone's escaped pigeon. You can catch feral pigeons and keep them - just make sure you treat them for parasites and diseases before officially considering them yours.

You can feed them chicken scratch until you get a more pigeon-friendly food (they dig peas and aren't huge fans of corn, apparently).

He is beautiful...I have thought about getting pet pigeons. Every time I take my kids on a field trip, we go to a park downtown for lunch. It seems they always find an injured pigeon and bring it to me to take home and nurse back to health. I'm afraid I'll soon be considered the "crazy old pigeon man" lol
I have caught pigeons before. We feed it and gave it water. I hate to tell you this, but they don't live long in captivity. They also have diseases and such. I would let them go.

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