Stunted/dwarf/runt chick?


Sep 21, 2022
So I have a bunch of 3.5 week old chicks hatched and being raised by a broody hen. One of the chicks, a Rumpless araucana x Sapphire Olive Egger, is still the size of a day old chick. She’s kind of a sleepy chick that stays close to mom, but is otherwise still eating and drinking, but not much, and is feathering out. Has anyone else had such a stunted/failure to thrive chick with a good outcome? I’d hate to cull this little thing if she’s made it so far and the cure is something simple like worming them (I even bought fenbendazole today, going to start treating the whole flock tomorrow) All of the other siblings seem healthy, no signs of coccidiosis or other ailments.


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I currently have one that is much smaller than the rest. She was wobbly for a few days. i started giving her poultry cell vitamins and she’s back to acting healthy, but still tiny. I also have one that can’t walk that I’ve started on the vitamins and see a little improvement.
So, all my birds are on day 3 of flimabend (fenbendazole) for internal parasite treatment, and I’m seeing a huge improvement with my little mini-chick. She’s eating like crazy, and actually went to bed with a full crop, which she wasn’t doing before. I think she picked up some nasty worms or something from the dirt, or from the broody raising them. It’s just weird that it hasn’t affected any of the other ~20 chicks in the group. I’ll have to wait and see if she catches up in size after this

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