Super big lump right next to chick's eye! Please help! Is getting bigger by the day! :(

K-12 Chickens

9 Years
Oct 6, 2010
One of my chicks has gotten a mosquito bite (I saw a bead of blood coming out of a little hole on the bump, so I'm assuming that's what it is) right above his/her eye. The bump has gotten rather large and is pulling the skin on the eye with it. The bump has been there for at least two or three days and I only noticed it the morning I discovered it (happened overnight) Any suggestions or advice on anything, if need be, what to do?

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Please help! It's gotten bigger and I'm afraid it might damage the eye!
this looks like the early stages of eye worm
Symptoms of eye worm in chickens include swollen, watery eyes and eyelids that stick together. Pus forms in the corner of the eye where the worm is living. Check the corner of the chicken's eye for visible worms. The chicken's vision becomes impaired without proper treatment. The bird begins to scratch at the infected eye with the tip of its wing. Chickens with severe cases of eye worms might scratch at the affected eye so much that they scratch the eye out.

Eye worms in chickens are mostly treated by a medicine called VetRx. VetRx is available at feed stores. Add 1 tsp. of VetRx to one cup of very warm water. Administer the treatment to the chicken by holding the bird under one arm. Open the chicken's mouth, and turn the bird down so the cleft in the roof of the mouth is in plain view. Dab the end of a cotton swab into a warm VetRx solution, and apply it directly to the cleft. VetRx will come from both sides of the beak, and pus will drain from the eyes. Clean the pus from the chicken's eyes and allow the bird to rest. Repeat until the chicken is free of eye worms.
best luck
One of my chicks has gotten a mosquito bite (I saw a bead of blood coming out of a little hole on the bump, so I'm assuming that's what it is) right above his/her eye. The bump has gotten rather large and is pulling the skin on the eye with it. The bump has been there for at least two or three days and I only noticed it the morning I discovered it (happened overnight) Any suggestions or advice on anything, if need be, what to do?

It's definitely looking like some type of parasite have you tried releasing pleasure by a small puncture with needle at the head of the area furthest away from eye.
It's definitely looking like some type of parasite have you tried releasing pleasure by a small puncture with needle at the head of the area furthest away from eye.
horse flies, will bite and leave eggs in the bite wound.( I think it is horse flies) any how my cat had a huge pussy sore on her neck once. by the time i noticed it it was infected and gross. I got all the puss out and cleaned it out but it was a deep hole. when I took her to the vet, he said fly bite.
We tried lancing the lump, but nothing came out as it is quite hard. Here is a recent picture from yesterday, tell me what you think:
Hi has the treatment worked i have a chicken with the same problem at the moment her lump is the size of a large pea. i have seperated her from the others she is eating and drinking fine.

Thanks Alan

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