swollen bottom w/ pic


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
This chicken is about a year old, and her bum is swollen and missing feathers. It is not tight, but it feels warm (although I'm not sure if it's warmer than normal). I couldn't feel an egg inside. She's not lethargic, and I saw her poop. None of the other chickens have missing feathers, so I don't think it's mites or anything. Have you guys seen anything like this?
Yes. That is a perfectly normal, naked chicken butt. Chicken skin that is exposed to the elements turns flaming red like that. It looks painful, but it is not. And the baseball-looking thing is what a naked chicken butt looks like under all those feathers. Who knew what kind of ugliness lurked under those fluffy feathers, eh?

You have a feather picker in your flock. I would recommend taking some time to observe your flock for a while. In short order you will likely see a culprit plucking butt feathers.
So this is normal? These hens have all lived together for a year, and we've never had a pecking order. We brought her inside last night and have been soaking her bottom thinking it's a blocked egg duct. Do we need to do anything else to prevent the egg plucking? Is there a possibility that they have mites?
It is a possibility. Do a thorough, nighttime bug check to make sure you don't have them.

There are a great many things you can do to address feather picking, but I would start by isolating the culprit from the rest of the flock once you figure out who's doing it. A few weeks in chicken jail, while simultaneously feeding the inmate a protein rich diet, may nip the habit in the bud.

Good luck.
We have the same problem (identical bare bum) on our Buff Orpington and Barred Rock. Was thinking of checking for mites, but wondering if you found a tail feather picker in your flock or found the cause of the problem. Thanks.
We have the same problem (identical bare bum) on our Buff Orpington and Barred Rock. Was thinking of checking for mites, but wondering if you found a tail feather picker in your flock or found the cause of the problem. Thanks.

Some one maybe doing some feather picking check out all your hens and the ones that don't have bare butts are the ones doing the pecking. get a product called blue kote and spray those bare butts be sure to wear something old because you'll have purple on it for sure also on your hands so may want to wear gloves but the blue kote will hide the bare flesh and may stop the culprit. if not then may have to get rid of said picker. do all of this after your sure there are no mites.
Excellent! I think this thread describe my situation exactly. I have one hen with a naked red booty! She seems healthy, alert, active, hungry. None of the other chickens have this (but I will go check closely) - I do see one hen occassionally sneaking a peck at this hens behind - and I do think she was pecking at a feather now that I think about it. But she is not pecking at the other girls! Weird. Any ideas why not? But I like I said I will go investigate.

I will order the Blue Kote immediately, I don't want to remove her permanently as she is good layer. I don't have a way to isolate her either.
I realize this post is 4 years old, but for now and future reference to someone in need: I have 6 chickens: 1 rooster, 5 hens. All RIR. They all have this problem and there are 3 that have worms on the outside of the skin. I am thinking they are the small round worms, but could be some other type. I am administering Ivermectin, amount: the size of a Pea. I was told to use this much by a well versed chicken person at a local grain store. (won't mention names...don't want to get anyone in trouble.) I also am administering Duramyacin 10 to heal any infection. The birds experienced egg drop, as well as not eating much, and waddling like a duck with legs pushed far apart. I gave them all flea bath to remove any mites/worms from the outside. One post here says it's not painful...I beg to differ...Mr. Rooster behaved as if the water stung when I put him in...(water was barely luke warm). So I think it is painful. They just don't show it like humans or other animals do.

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