Temporary Nesting Boxes during coop renovation?


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
We are doing a big coop renovation. The entire installation portion of the project will be done in a day but it will mean there will be a FULL day where the chickens won't have access to the coop and nesting boxes. What can I use for temporary boxes in the run for that day? I have a small cat carrier I can fill with wood shavings, but I need more than 1 box. Will they use the temporary boxes? I feel terrible locking them out for the day but we have no choice. I have 5 girls and 4 are laying. I often find more than one laying at the same time.
You could try plastic tubs with bedding in them, send pics of coop when it's done please I'd love to see it 20231210_121351.jpg
If it's just for 1 day, you could just put those new tubs out for them to try, but I wouldn't be surprised if you simply got a few eggs on the ground. It won't kill them to lay on the floor somewhere for the day.

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