
Thank you for the welcome!

I guess, a bit about me and my flock!

We are first time chicken owners.

We started out, buying 10 chicks, we were told to expect to lose some in the first weeks, so we were banking on 6-8 hens. Of course, they're all alive and well (YAY!).

Then my neighbor was checking his cattle fence, and his fence runs by where we are building the coop so he noticed it. He called this morning, and is gifting us 5 adult hens (4 laying, one elderly who is more of a pet), another coop, and all their stuff, because they're getting out of chickens. They're getting dropped off tomorrow.

And then somehow I managed to land myself picking up a silkie roo tomorrow as well.

I think I chicken mathed, HARD.
Thank you for the welcome!

I guess, a bit about me and my flock!

We are first time chicken owners.

We started out, buying 10 chicks, we were told to expect to lose some in the first weeks, so we were banking on 6-8 hens. Of course, they're all alive and well (YAY!).

Then my neighbor was checking his cattle fence, and his fence runs by where we are building the coop so he noticed it. He called this morning, and is gifting us 5 adult hens (4 laying, one elderly who is more of a pet), another coop, and all their stuff, because they're getting out of chickens. They're getting dropped off tomorrow.

And then somehow I managed to land myself picking up a silkie roo tomorrow as well.

I think I chicken mathed, HARD.
There is nothing like jumping into something head first. Sit back and enjoy learning.

Have you researched integration of old birds with younger ones? You should keep the chicks separated from the adults for 3-6 weeks. The see-no-touch method is best and I use a chicken tractor for the chicks. The older girls will be aggressive and you want the chicks to be able to stay away from them since they don't have a momma to step in.

So instead of one chicken yard, you'll need two for 6 weeks.

Silkies, while very striking, are blind if they can't see and tend to be predator magnets since they can't see, run slow and are smaller birds. Your rooster may need to be watched. YMMV and I wish you the best of luck.

Keep the food picked up. I had rats, mice, squirrels and possums visiting for a bit. Especially if you are next to a pasture because nature loves chickens and chicken feed.
There is nothing like jumping into something head first. Sit back and enjoy learning.

Have you researched integration of old birds with younger ones? You should keep the chicks separated from the adults for 3-6 weeks. The see-no-touch method is best and I use a chicken tractor for the chicks. The older girls will be aggressive and you want the chicks to be able to stay away from them since they don't have a momma to step in.

So instead of one chicken yard, you'll need two for 6 weeks.

Silkies, while very striking, are blind if they can't see and tend to be predator magnets since they can't see, run slow and are smaller birds. Your rooster may need to be watched. YMMV and I wish you the best of luck.

Keep the food picked up. I had rats, mice, squirrels and possums visiting for a bit. Especially if you are next to a pasture because nature loves chickens and chicken feed.
I have researched integration.

Currently the plan is to integrate the roo with the older ladies first. They had a roo where they came from, and are used to one, so I don't think integrating him with them will cause too many fireworks.

Before you ask, the roo belonged to another neighbor, which is why I'm not getting him. He has a flock on his property as well, but he for some reason, split his time between his home flock and the flock we're getting.

After the roo and older hens are quarantined, I'm going to split my run down the middle, and let everyone see but not touch for a few weeks. The older hens are coming with their own coop, so I can put them into their coop at night until everyone is merged.

This grand plan is going to take a few months, but I think it'll work out.

Honestly, I mostly wanted the roo to help keep some order in the flock, and make the hens happy. I'm aware that he probably won't be much protection, and my dogs will be a far more reliable, and louder, predator alarm.

My dogs are securely penned on the property, but they can see the coop from where they are, and will go bananas if something like an opossum shows up. One of them has caught himself an opossum before, and brought the thing into the house. And knowing him, he'd do it again if given the opportunity.

I have rabbits, and we keep our rabbit feed, and going forward will keep the chicken feed, in the laundry room of the house in airtight containers. While it would be easier to store it out by the chickens, I don't think the rodent and subsequent snake risk, is worth it.

My bonus hens arrived.

Unfortunately, the neighbor managed to capture his neighbors rooster with them. So we need to figure out who exactly he belongs to, and return him.

I'm also going to have to band these girls. I cannot tell them apart, and I know one is elderly, and will need to be watched closer. I also have a barred rock in my juvenile flock.

EDIT: We have been asked, to please keep the rooster. I don't know anything about him, so when I start banding chickens tonight, I'm going to have to talk with him, and explain that if he's a jerk, I will turn him into kibble.
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Sounds like a beautiful setup. Pictures when you have it where you want to show it off.
While it would be easier to store it out by the chickens, I don't think the rodent and subsequent snake risk, is worth it.
I keep my chicken, quail and dog feed in metal trashcans in convenient locations. Plastic gets chewed through. Metal gets pooped on. Thankfully, I haven't had any issues since I went with the steel.

We had a 6' whip snake around when the mice got bad. He was welcomed and I did not lose any chicks or chickens to him. I was sorry when I found his house under some scraps that I cleaned up.

I've got wild rabbits again in yard. See my avatar for what the yard looks like. Waist high black eyed susans make for a spectacular view. They are going to seed and won't be around for another month. They will be put in the compost bin and returned to the soil.
The weather got really bad yesterday evening! Our town and the little town just south of us got hammered, carports thrown into folks yards, trees down everywhere, power lines down, a couple fires from lightning🤦‍♀️ Power is estimated to be back on around 4pm. I am done with this nutty ass weather!
The weather got really bad yesterday evening! Our town and the little town just south of us got hammered, carports thrown into folks yards, trees down everywhere, power lines down, a couple fires from lightning🤦‍♀️ Power is estimated to be back on around 4pm. I am done with this nutty ass weather!
We had some storms and what sounded like large hail. I haven't been out to check for damage this morning.
I may have left the truck out..I can't remember putting it in the garage.
I hope y'all have power soon, and that cleanup isn't too bad.
We had some storms and what sounded like large hail. I haven't been out to check for damage this morning.
I may have left the truck out..I can't remember putting it in the garage.
I hope y'all have power soon, and that cleanup isn't too bad.
Oh hell, I hope your truck is ok! I just came in from checking on the chooks, besides a few small branches, all our trees are upright and intact. The neighbors across the street have an oak tree down and most of their privacy fence is on the ground. The hubs just went to get more gas for the generator (I'm so glad we purchased that thing after the tundra). I hope everyone is safe! Keep your guard up, round 2 is starting this afternoon🤦‍♀️
Oh hell, I hope your truck is ok! I just came in from checking on the chooks, besides a few small branches, all our trees are upright and intact. The neighbors across the street have an oak tree down and most of their privacy fence is on the ground. The hubs just went to get more gas for the generator (I'm so glad we purchased that thing after the tundra). I hope everyone is safe! Keep your guard up, round 2 is starting this afternoon🤦‍♀️
Thanks, Jessi. Luckily my husband put the truck under the carport. No real damage here. Just more water, mud, and a few small limbs. This rain is ridiculous.

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