The True King Rooster

Sep 26, 2019
Western Pennsylvania
A couple months ago, I bought 4 ducklings and 4 chicks. There are 2 boys and 2 girls in each group. Well “Daffy” the chicken stole our hearts right away when he kept jumping into the duck pen to be with them. Everywhere they were, he wanted to be with them. Even during swim time, and got sad that he couldn’t join them. He started a pre-pubic crow at only 2 weeks old. He became the leader. Protector of all! And the more the ducks did swim time, the more Daffy would go play with the other chickens. And now he is both Chicken and Duck. Defender of the throne. Crows and guards all, when cute puppy beasts get too close. He ruled happily until one day... they all started growing and he didn’t. Daffy is a small Easter Egger. The others include a RIR, Light Brahma, and ducks which are naturally larger once grown. 2 months old and Daffy is the size of a pigeon, the others being twice his size already and the ducks being nearly full grown. But behold the hero presses on and leads the ducks as they go places. Only now it’s mostly standing in front of them looking back to make sure he’s walking in the same way as them. And should a mighty chicken try to bump his chest, he’d never hesitate to get in their face and bump back! Only now, he sorta bounces off their chest and falls over. As a biased mother who loves snuggling her small handsome prince, I write today in concern for his ego. My question is... Can a rooster have his ego hurt?
Daffy sounds very cute!
I have both standard (8 lb+) roosters, and bantam boys (under 2 lbs) and they do fine, separating into different groups with different hens and pullets (no duckies!).
Where you may have issues is with your drakes, who, if they try mating with your pullets, will cause harm. Also, it's just too few females for that many males, as everyone matures.
See how things develop, and move some males on elsewhere, or get MANY more females, and consider having the chickens and ducks housed separately.
Oh definitely! I breed EEs of the Americauna strain and they are a bit small compared in weight and mass but definitely not as small as you're describing! Could he be bantam? And yes boys definitly get hurt egos. If one keeps multiple rooster you'll find that there's the 'head roo' and the 'others' depending on the one in charges attitude the other less high standing birds may become solitary and split from the flock, fight religiously until everyone gives way out of sheer repetiveness, or simply shy up and become a "helper" aka accompanying and looking after girls but may not Crow or strut or even breed as he doesnt want to offend the 'head bird' but if he's charmed youre girls by dancing and crowing you shouldnt have an issue as they'll 'invite him' unless he's forced to compete whith another rooster the hens find stronger and more suitable.
Daffy sounds very cute!
I have both standard (8 lb+) roosters, and bantam boys (under 2 lbs) and they do fine, separating into different groups with different hens and pullets (no duckies!).
Where you may have issues is with your drakes, who, if they try mating with your pullets, will cause harm. Also, it's just too few females for that many males, as everyone matures.
See how things develop, and move some males on elsewhere, or get MANY more females, and consider having the chickens and ducks housed separately.
Thank you! That is amazing advice ❤️ I’ll try to figure out the best way to handle that.
My head boy had a brother who was in charge until I gave him to a farmer starting a breeding flock, and until then Blizzard had been less than welcome by the hens as his brother was more colorfull and aggressive, the boys got along fine but some times the girls would bully Blizzard for attempting to court them and it'd start a fight between the boys. Chickens have relationships and favorites so if all works out your birds even out who they prefer and pair off no issue and there shouldnt be a problem. Like i know when breeding my boy and my polish don't get along as he's ruff on their crowns and so he refrained unless invited = less polish fertility but if you arent focusing on breeding and such I dont think you'll need to worry. Blizzard eventually won the girls whith smarts and charm rather than aggression and theyve been a loyal gang since
Oh definitely! I breed EEs of the Americauna strain and they are a bit small compared in weight and mass but definitely not as small as you're describing! Could he be bantam? And yes boys definitly get hurt egos. If one keeps multiple rooster you'll find that there's the 'head roo' and the 'others' depending on the one in charges attitude the other less high standing birds may become solitary and split from the flock, fight religiously until everyone gives way out of sheer repetiveness, or simply shy up and become a "helper" aka accompanying and looking after girls but may not Crow or strut or even breed as he doesnt want to offend the 'head bird' but if he's charmed youre girls by dancing and crowing you shouldnt have an issue as they'll 'invite him' unless he's forced to compete whith another rooster the hens find stronger and more suitable.
Oh definitely! I breed EEs of the Americauna strain and they are a bit small compared in weight and mass but definitely not as small as you're describing! Could he be bantam? And yes boys definitly get hurt egos. If one keeps multiple rooster you'll find that there's the 'head roo' and the 'others' depending on the one in charges attitude the other less high standing birds may become solitary and split from the flock, fight religiously until everyone gives way out of sheer repetiveness, or simply shy up and become a "helper" aka accompanying and looking after girls but may not Crow or strut or even breed as he doesnt want to offend the 'head bird' but if he's charmed youre girls by dancing and crowing you shouldnt have an issue as they'll 'invite him' unless he's forced to compete whith another rooster the hens find stronger and more suitable.
Thank you for sharing! The RIR is a rooster too and twice his size, and still growing. He’s definitely a male and doesn’t crow at all. I was wondering if it had something to do with Daffy being the king. Thank you.
My head boy had a brother who was in charge until I gave him to a farmer starting a breeding flock, and until then Blizzard had been less than welcome by the hens as his brother was more colorfull and aggressive, the boys got along fine but some times the girls would bully Blizzard for attempting to court them and it'd start a fight between the boys. Chickens have relationships and favorites so if all works out your birds even out who they prefer and pair off no issue and there shouldnt be a problem. Like i know when breeding my boy and my polish don't get along as he's ruff on their crowns and so he refrained unless invited = less polish fertility but if you arent focusing on breeding and such I dont think you'll need to worry. Blizzard eventually won the girls whith smarts and charm rather than aggression and theyve been a loyal gang since
Awww I love that story! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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