Things I don't feed my chickens😊

Hello! Here are some things that I don't feed my chickens.

Avocado skin or pit! (toxic)
apple seeds
chocolate and candy
onions and garlic
rhubarb leaves
raw potato
rotten food
coffee grounds
Raw Beans

Hope this helped!
Hi! Actually citrus is fine for chickens in moderation. Mine really enjoy oranges!🍊
Anything with too much salt. Chickens get poisoned from salt easily if fed too much of it, since salt is not regularly found in what they normally eat.

Foxglove. All parts of a foxglove should not be fed too chickens, as it is toxic.

Nightshade. Nightshades can be very toxic to chickens and should not be fed to be on the safe side.
Mine are bread feinds. Too much treats can be bad. And especially bread, so I try to not give it to them. Garlic just makes the eggs taste weird. But also the title is "What I Dont feed my chickens" so it is a personal thing.

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