Undigested food in poop?

Chicken poppy

Fashionably late 🎤🦆
May 9, 2021
Hi all. My chicken Gabby all of the sudden seems so lethargic, sleepy, tired, etc. Earlier today she was chirping, running around, eating grass, eating lots of food and etc. Now like night and day she is barely moving and something she has never allowed, she’s sleeping inside. She’s also snuggly with a chicken she normally bullies. Just a few moments ago, Gabby had seeds, what looked like calcium, and mealworms (live but obviously not alive now) in her poo. I have never seen this before.

One of my chickens had worms in their poop, this is day three of treating with safeguard. I was thinking maybe she got it but i’m still confused why there is whole food in her poop and why she all the sudden seems so sick. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.
Hi all. My chicken Gabby all of the sudden seems so lethargic, sleepy, tired, etc. Earlier today she was chirping, running around, eating grass, eating lots of food and etc. Now like night and day she is barely moving and something she has never allowed, she’s sleeping inside. She’s also snuggly with a chicken she normally bullies. Just a few moments ago, Gabby had seeds, what looked like calcium, and mealworms (live but obviously not alive now) in her poo. I have never seen this before.

One of my chickens had worms in their poop, this is day three of treating with safeguard. I was thinking maybe she got it but i’m still confused why there is whole food in her poop and why she all the sudden seems so sick. Any advice is appreciated, thank you.
So I’m no expert but I can share what I know.

I know there are a couple different types of worms that can inhabit chickens, and for each worm there is a different dewormer. For example, my WhiteLeg Horn hen, Jewels, just recently had tapeworms in her poop and I was advised to use Equimax horse dewormer, and it helped. Do you know what worms she has? I also don’t know a ton about this, or if it’s even true, but I once heard that sometimes if worms like all die at once in the digestive tract or crop it can cause blockages like impacted crop. (I think it was something like this) Once again, please don’t take this for 100% certainty , I just wanted to share everything I’ve heard or knew. Definitely do your own research first though.👍 Also a good place to always start is checking her crop right before she goes to bed, making sure it’s seems healthily full, and then again in the morning when it should be empty or barely being able to be felt.

Has she had any large and long amounts of grass or hay? When was her last egg? How has your weather been? And has there been any other external stressors likes predators, dirty coop, or flock bulling?

It’s strange that she went from fine to very sickly so fast, that definitely confuses me. I’ll be praying for you. I hope you find answers and cures. Let me know about some of those questions and we can try to find a solution from there. Hope this helps.

@Wyorp Rock
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Could you post some pictures of the poops? Are you supplying chicken grit for digestion? What are you feeding?
Unfortunately the poop already got cleaned up but i will bring the grit indoors for her, she didn’t have it yesterday, and she’s eating chicken crumbles, mash, corn, and was previously eating some scratch.
How much SafeGuard are you giving per pound? How old is she? Sometimes undigested feed in poop can be caused by enteritis.
I was giving them a small pea size amount since they are small. She is a year old. Her poop is very strange. Right now it squirted out, liquid with bits of white.
The second i pick her up her head drops and she falls asleep, she’s so tired.. What can i do for her other then electrolytes? Would it be okay to skip safeguard on her tonight?
Is she eating some food and drinking for you? Is she tired all day, falling asleep? Sugar water or some electrolytes might help give her a boost. Poultry NutriDrench is good 1 ml per 3 pounds daily. Take a syringe and measure your SafeGuard. 1 ml syringes without needles are free at most pharmacies for asking. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight for 5 consecutive days.
Is she eating some food and drinking for you? Is she tired all day, falling asleep? Sugar water or some electrolytes might help give her a boost. Poultry NutriDrench is good 1 ml per 3 pounds daily. Take a syringe and measure your SafeGuard. 1 ml syringes without needles are free at most pharmacies for asking. Dosage is 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight for 5 consecutive days.
Right now she is eating and she drank good yesterday but i’m not sure if it will change. She isn’t tired right now but she seems more hyper in the morning. I gave her some electrolytes yesterday but i didn’t give them safeguard to them. Do i need to restart?

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