Urine in carpet


11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
Monroe, Ga
We have lived here for a little over 3 years. The back bedroom since before we moved in has had a sent of urine. I know one of my dogs, naughty Mary who cant take the pressure of alone in the house without us or my GSD Rudi, will pee on the carpet but I have always cleaned it up. Since we have lived here I have steam cleaned the carpets about 5-6 times and sometimes it smells worse.

It seems to be ALL OVER the carpet. I dont know if its something from before (a few spots on our doors and carpets indicate they locked up dogs or cats in rooms) or something I have done wrong.
I dont know what to do about it anymore! Its not an obvious smell just a hint and only sometimes really..

Do I just need to replace the carpet?
YES once it has seeped into the carpet the best thing is to rep[lace it. if you cant make up a solution 1 part water 1 part white vinigar and spray the heck out of it and let it soak in and dry naturally. I did cat rescue for many years and it is by far the best thing, the stuff they sell in the stores for pee just dont cut it!

ETA always use cold water as warm or hot will make the smell worse.

it probably smells worse on the humid days right?
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I am totally going through that as well. I have 1 chihuahua out of 3 that pees all the time. Little spots everywhere. All I do is steam clean w/ Walmart brand pet cleaner to save money but it gets so old to do that all the time. We are thinking of getting a professional carpet cleaner in but I don't know if that would help. We have to much carpet to pull up, I would LOVE wood floors.
white vinigar and water huh? My dog is a bad boy and pees on our carpets all the time-I was steam cleaning this weekend -wont my house smell a giant salad if I use that mixture-it be worth it if it worked though!
Nature's Miracle is an enzymatic cleaner that does an amazing job of removing urine smells. It is, however, pricey. You can mix it right in with your carpet cleaning solution; or you can mix it with water and use in a steam cleaner machine.

I use it every time my dog has an accident to cut down on stench build up.
white vinigar and water huh? My dog is a bad boy and pees on our carpets all the time-I was steam cleaning this weekend -wont my house smell a giant salad if I use that mixture-it be worth it if it worked though!

yes it will for a while but it will pass. I have used all the other stuff mentioned here and did not think any worked as well as the vinigar. Steam cleaning will make it worse as the heat will make it smell really bad.

see what happens is the pee gets soaked into the padding and under the carpet so cleaning ontop does not help much. the vinigar will soak in and help make the smell go away, but it will smell like vinigar for a while until it all dries and evaporates.

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