Using the Two Nail Restrait System for Chopping...{I need help}


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
Okay. I know this probably comes up quite a bit, but I did do the search and got a ton of result. I read through several fairly long threads and still couldn't find what I wanted. LOL. This is why I labeled my subject title the way I did, that way the person who uses the search method after me, can find what they want.

Can someone give me the details of how to make the two nails/screws for restraining a bird for the chopping method?

Do you use nails or screws?

How far apart do you place them?

How long of nails/screws to use?

How deep do you put the nails/screw into the stump/board?

How do you properly position the bird into this?

Any pictures you happen to have would be helpful as well, for those visual learners like me.

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I use this method. I use two 3" nails and put them approximately one inch apart in a saw horse. I pound the nails in far enough that they are secure (about 1").

I get the bird I am going to process and hold it by it's feet and swing it gently back and forth. This seems to stun them a bit so they are easier to handle. They are also easier to handle if you do this at dusk when they are getting sleepy.

After a few swings, I lift the bird up and set it's neck between the 2 nails, pull down on the feet to secure it, and then remove the head on the feet side of the nails.

I then put the whole bird upside in a traffic cone or large funnel (the kind you buy at an automotive store to drain oil from cars) that I have bungie corded to the side of the saw horse. I usually put a small pile of wood shavings under the saw horse so that the small puddle of blood is easy to clean up.

Sorry, no pictures. Hope this helps.
That's fine about the pictures, you described how the nails were placed well enough. I really appreciate it. So many people talk about use the "two nails" and I wasn't sure how to set them correctly on the chopping block.



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