Vent glee or bullying?


Aug 25, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
Hi all,just wondering what the general opinion is of the cause of the below.

Unfortunately I seemed to have picked this up quite late which I feel terrible for, but it was well hidden in her fluffy butt. At first I thought it was vent gleet, but there is a solid scab there that I'm not sure if it started off as bullying pecking, then gotten infected which is why it's so inflamed. Scab is swollen and pushing up on the anus.

It also fits in with her behaviour, as shes always trying to sleep outside the coop. I didn't think much of it but now realising maybe she's being bullied in the morning in the coop?

Otherwise, she isn't behaving sick. Still trotting around with the others, poo still seems to be getting out and is nice and solid. There does seem to be a bit clear mucus starting to come out though which is why I'm thinking vent gleet.

I'll be seeing a vet soon when I can get off work, but if it's vent gleet I wanted to start treating her asap.



Glad you will be seeing a vet.

Looks like a wound/damage, probably from picking. Treat as such by keeping clean and applying triple antibiotic ointment. If she's outside where flies can get on it, then keep close watch, you sure don't want them to lay eggs and she come down with Flystrike (maggots on the wound).
So I've checked her into the vet hospital so they can give her the best care over the next few days, to give her a boost in healing. Vet said the wound is pretty serious so hopefully all goes well.

They believe it's just a serious external wound at the moment. They were surprised she didn't get fly struck but it's pretty cold at the moment so that was lucky.
Unfortunately it's been determined the lump is malignant tumour :( one caused by Marek's virus or something rather. So she'll have the weekend with her flock and then I'll have to put her down. Sad but nothing I could do.

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