Vent Gleet and Vent Prolapse (Shell Less Egg Half Inside Half Outside)

Jeffery Ortiz

In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2021
As I was doing my morning chores, i noticed some chickens eating egg off of the floor below where they roost.
I went to check it out and saw that it wasn't just egg but also some thing that looked like its intestines it also had worms in it.
I went to check it out and look at the chickens who roosted near there, and sure enough one of them had a soft egg already broken half inside of their cloaca and half not.
The chicken who had this has also been having vent gleet for a really long time (A couple months, the athletes foot cream hasn’t been working), and now to add to that she also now has vent prolapse.
Can someone help I remember reading an
article about someone who had the same problem but cant find it.


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I am so sorry. I am not on here that often.

If your bird has VG for over 2 months (3 now) you need a veterinarian that does birds.

VG needs to be treated right away.
The worms are a complication and so is the prolapse. As she deteriorated more more things (medical conditions) happened.

If she is a pet take her to an avian veterinarian and see what they say or have her euthanized.

If she is part of your livestock, euthanize/cull her humanely and dispose of her properly. Do not compost her or bury her on your property.

Worm your entire flock. Check and treat them for lice/mites 10 days after worming. Clean the koop, equipment and lay boxes with disinfectant which is not harmful to animals/birds now, and every week until the whole flock is worm and/or lice/mite free.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.

This is not medical or veterinary advice nor am I a veterinarian or licensed to diagnose animals. If you use any of my ideas they are based on my own experiences and you do so at your own risk.

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