Wet Gosling Heads?


May 15, 2024
We just got these two goslings a few weeks back and they are just so darling! They follow me everywhere and always act glad to see me, coming right up to me and sitting on my lap and "whistling" or honking contentedly.

Just recently Ive noticed they've been getting these wet heads when I get off work. They're kept in their own pen inside the larger chicken coop. Yesterday I bathed them in some water and let them range a little and soak up some sun; their wet patches went away and their down became fluffy again. Well I came home from work today to find them all wet (oily?) again! Any idea of causes/fixes? I know they have an oil gland but I don't think they're old enough for it to be working yet. Pic attached

What type of drinker do you have? They're probably dunking their heads.
Just your typical chick waterer. I don't think they can dip their heads all the way in it, plus the spots feel dry to the touch like it's getting matted down and drying that way.

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