What are the chances of my eggs being fertile? 1 drake to 2 hens ratio

Frodo the Pekin

Jul 26, 2023
Hi! So I have ducks. 2 drakes and 2 hens (lost 2 of my other hens to foxes in the spring,hence the reduced number of hens). All raised together since ducklinghood.

A couple of weeks past, I separated one of the drakes from the flock, due to fighting, leaving a better yet still not ideal, I know, ratio of 1 drake to 2 hens. Now, I have seen the 'banished' drake mate with one of the hens prior to me separating him, and the other drake would breed with the other hen, in a monogamous way. I thought the drake left with the flock would start breeding with the other hen now that he had them both for himself, yet I do not remember ever catching them in the act while they were free ranging during the day. They might have done it while in the coop though, right? So that would give me fertile eggs from both hens.

Because just yesterday I put 5 of their eggs under a broody chicken, hoping to hatch some ducklings, and I never once thought the eggs might have not been all fertile. And I have a feeling that most eggs are from the hen that might have not been bred with by the drake. So right now I'm kind of nervous :')

What do you think? Could the drake have 'remained loyal' to just one hen and not fertilise the other one's eggs? Are there any chances she might have mated with him while at night, in the coop? Thank you all!
:welcome Well since your not sure about some of the eggs, give them about 5 days under your broody chicken and you should start to see life. It's hard to say if he is mating her in the coop drakes usually use any advantage they have. And they can be pretty fast at it so he could have even mated her out of the coop and unless your sitting out with them constantly you'd never know.
Be sure to let us know if the eggs are fertile.
:welcome Well since your not sure about some of the eggs, give them about 5 days under your broody chicken and you should start to see life. It's hard to say if he is mating her in the coop drakes usually use any advantage they have. And they can be pretty fast at it so he could have even mated her out of the coop and unless your sitting out with them constantly you'd never know.
Be sure to let us know if the eggs are fertile.
Thank you!! I'll be sure to check the eggs in 5 days and let you know. Hoping for at least 3 fertile ones. :fl
:welcome Well since your not sure about some of the eggs, give them about 5 days under your broody chicken and you should start to see life. It's hard to say if he is mating her in the coop drakes usually use any advantage they have. And they can be pretty fast at it so he could have even mated her out of the coop and unless your sitting out with them constantly you'd never know.
Be sure to let us know if the eggs are fertile.
Update: ALL 4 eggs are fertile and kicking, as of the day 4 candling! I'm ecstatic!:celebrate:wee
Update: ALL 4 eggs are fertile and kicking, as of the day 4 candling! I'm ecstatic!:celebrate:wee
Awesome!! keep us updated.
Sure will! Just to clear any confusion, there were initially 5 eggs I collected for hatching, but I slipped only 4 under the hen, since one of them was cracked. Must have been sleepy when writing on the thread. Will edit if I can
Sure will! Just to clear any confusion, there were initially 5 eggs I collected for hatching, but I slipped only 4 under the hen, since one of them was cracked. Must have been sleepy when writing on the thread. Will edit if I can
Here's the final update: 2 of the 4 did not make it, unfortunately. But fortunately, 2 DID MAKE IT! One was shrink wrapped and needed help hatching, but now they are both seemingly thriving! Can't wait to see little Bee and Roach grow. :celebrate :bow

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