What are these guys?!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 30, 2007
I'm not sure if you guys saw my other topic in another subforum, but I have a pair of what I have nicknamed "false guineafowl". I got these guys as hatchlings only a day or two old. They were labeled as guineafowl and they did look like guinea fowl keets.

But as they grew up, that wasn't the case. They don't resemble any kind of guineafowl in any way. I have already noted that they resemble appenzell bearded fowl in the face, but I have no clue if that stands the same for the color and body (only pic of an ABH I could find was a B&W headshot).

I'm curious as to what your guys' suspicions are regarding their breed so have fun figuring it out.

And a little extra info, they are about 4 months old now and very quiet. Not sure how much they weigh, but they are not a bantam size. They aren't exactly friendly, but they aren't wild either. They are comfortable with me being in the pen or walking around them and will take food from my hand, but they aren't friendly like my silkies. They're very calm and very non aggressive, not high strung like OEGH's.

So here's the pics






Parden the mess, I have a flock of about 20 pigeons in there as well and they're a pain to keep clean.

One is slightly larger than the other (the one that is a bit greyer) and has been like that since it was a chick. It was also a bit fluffier than all the others there.

So any guesses are welcome
The one looks very similar to my EE but,I agree, that one with the blue is a real nice looking one,

Grats on that find.

Added: when you get eggs from them, Feel free to post them in the EE egg color thread, the link is in my signiture
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Wow, thanks guys!

Are these both hens? Maybe somebody can answer that too since they figured out what the mystery breed is

Does anybody have some easter egger pics they'd like to share?
Look like hens to me too.
If you want to see my EE, you can look in my Esther and Winnie thread from the link in my signiture, you can also look in the EE egg color thread, there are lots of peoples EE's in that thread... again the link is in my signiture

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