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It's hard to say without a close up pic, but they look like girls.

I also wanted to mention that I don't think it's good to put chicks on their back. It is hard on their organs. I see pics of that so often and also hear stories when the chicks die and it's so sad. I don't mean anything negative by it and don't want to scare you, but didn't know if you knew that.

I was checking out her leg as she was running around stomping it. When I was looking, she just laid back herself and relaxed so I rubbed her belly and she was free to get up at any time. It's been two days since and she's doing just fine. Maybe we're just lucky I guess.

Thanks for all the nice comments on the photos.
Hey, I went to high school at The High School in Meridian.

Welcome to the forum.

Your girls look like Golden Sex Link also know as Bovan Brown. 4-Hers usually get those and white Leghorns for the poultry chain or maybe they are Golden Laced Wyandottes.
The link below has a good listing of birds, you may want to glance through it. http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/BRKPoultryPage.html#Chickens
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