What breed are these roos??


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
This is my only standard roo, Pepe`
I'm thinking he's a mix of something, not sure.

This is Roadrunner,lol. He's got legs for days & he's a bantam.

Thanks, Miriam
What handsome fellows! They really are good looking. I think the coloring on the first one might be crele or part crele? I don't know which breeds carry that color/pattern, but I'm referring to the hackle/neck feathers.
The first one - Could it be Barred rock mixed with a Partridge rock??? I have a rooster from both of these breeds and the colors of that rooster just imitate them almost perfectly.

The second one - I have no clue.. but cute and perfect name for him!!!

Hmmmm didnt pay attention to the comb Cyn... guess I should start huh LOL
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Well thanks so much yall.
Pepe` I knew was some kind of mix, he's a wonderful roo almost 4 yrs old now.
When Roadrunner started growing those long legs I thought it was some genetic problem,lol. Atleast he has more luck with the bigger hens.

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