What breed of rooster is most protective of hens?

RIR's are aggressive as well .

Chickens are at the bottom of the food chain . A rooster can sound the alarm but against most predators he will lose.

I added a Rhode Island Red to my flock of 15 hens and he is ever viligant. Recently I heard him making an unusual call. I looked outside and sure enough, a mid-sized hawk was swooping their favorite day roosting tree. Rex had gotten everyone safely under the coop and he was standing sentry outside of it. He’s huge too!
I have always had a Brahma not aggressive but huge. Hawks and things like that might be less likely to chance it with a big boy a head above everyone else. I also have 2 massive LGDs so not really in need of him to take on the fight.


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I have always had a Brahma not aggressive but huge. Hawks and things like that might be less likely to chance it with a big boy a head above everyone else. I also have 2 massive LGDs so not really in need of him to take on the fight.
I saw a photo of a Brahma the other day. Huge! On the LGD , how did you bind them with your flock? I am expanding my chicken operation as we have plenty of land for it and egg farms are “mysteriously “ being burned down. Someone has to grow eggs so I figure it will be me. If you could share a bit about your journey with the dogs, I would be grateful. Thank you!
I saw a photo of a Brahma the other day. Huge! On the LGD , how did you bind them with your flock? I am expanding my chicken operation as we have plenty of land for it and egg farms are “mysteriously “ being burned down. Someone has to grow eggs so I figure it will be me. If you could share a bit about your journey with the dogs, I would be grateful. Thank you!
So we got our dogs as pups and instantly had them out with the chickens and goats. Contact and time with the animals is huge. From the time we had them they only stayed out in the pasture. They followed me around while doing all the chores. Once bigger we used shock collars when with animals. A lot of patience with them as well. It’s about a 2 year process. Since we have had them I haven’t lost a single animal to predators. The sound of them barking keeps pretty much everything away. The chickens are even outside the fencing at times and no issues with predators. I haven’t heard a coyote in the back fields in a long time.
As with all living things it's the personality of the individual. Take 3 roosters from the same breeding pair same clutch and they will all display different behaviors. My RIRs and Rocks were all good scrapy guards especially the RIR.

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