What breed?


12 Years
Sep 4, 2007
Any idea what breed this is? I know her head is a bit fuzzy, she's around 4-5 months old and kind of small, and she has blue legs.

(Now I'm going to attempt to add a pic so bare with me)

Not an expert on them but i'm pretty sure its a Silver Spangled Hamburg Bantam
After looking at some pics I think you all may be right! So how big do you think she'll get?
SSH's are actually considered a Light Breed and not Bantam. Our SSH cockeral is atleast twice the size of all our flock of Bantams. Here he is with 2 of our EE lasses...


Not very big, maybe 4 or 5 pounds. Very pretty breed. Will lay nice white eggs. They are good flyers, too. Mine was very flighty, but a really good forager.
I agree on the breed and 4-5 lbs for a bantam would be huge? What is the cut off for "bantam" anyways? I know in Europe they have bantam and standard silkies... I guess I could just go look it up!
I should mention, I don't own any ssh, I just know them from seeing them on hatchery sites, and that is where I read that they were bantums.
Keeping in mind that they also claim to sell Ameraucana's with yellow legs, no beard or muff that lay brown eggs, take the bantum thing for what it's worth. haha

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