What color are newly hatched Royal Palm poults?


11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
NW Ohio
I ordered some eggs off Ebay of the only two that developed (didn't hatch) one had yellowish feathers(fuzz) and the other all black feathers(fuzz). These were supposed to be pure royal palm. All the eggs were the same shape and color, just the developed poults were not.
They are all yellow at hatch. You should not have a black poult in a RP! I would contact the seller and get my money back for selling mixed eggs. Did you take a pic of the black poult?
Here is a 5 day old RP. If your black ones have a white or yellow face they are probably Black Spanish or Chocolates.

The seller responded and said she would send new eggs or refund my money. She said she let her child collect eggs and perhaps they got mixed up. Thanks for the help.
Glad to hear they are making it right! Most people who sell eggs are honest people but there are some crooks out there. I can see where a young child could do that. I have my 12 year old pick up eggs when I travel but he doesn't leave the pen before they are marked.

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