What could be biting me?


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
I sprayed my chicken coop about two weeks ago with Permethrin. I even dusted it with the powder on the cracks.

Last week, after cleaning up the chicken coop, I see a gray, fuzzyish bug on my hand. It was about 1-2mm. I should have taken a picture of it but I got creeped out and killed it immediately. I didn't see any bites on me.

Today, I scoop up the chicken poop in the morning and went out to feed them. By the afternoon, I see a bug bite on my stomach. I've seen a similar bite on the other side of my stomach when I was washing their coop a few weeks ago. I thought it looked like a mosquito bite and left it at that.

The bite I have today was a little itchy but an hour later, it looks like the bite is pretty much gone and I don't even feel it anymore?? I've been bit in the chicken coop after handling my chickens at night and I immediately got five small red bites on my armpits. They were the itchiest things ever. These did not feel like that. My scalp also gets a little itchy after I leave the coop. Could they be different bugs? Or baby mites??

I couldn't find any bugs on my chickens today but if they're mites, they would come out at night. I have had a mite drop on me once after I picked up my chicken though.

Edit: nevermind, I think I found the culprit. I found a flea on my dog!
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If you have a magnifying lens save the next bug and examine it under magnification. Then count the legs. Eight legs, you have mites. Six legs, you have lice. Usually those don't bite people, though.

Poultry ticks can live in cracks of a coop, but a bite from a tick is pretty unmistakable.

Seattle has a bed bug problem. I didn't realize it until I started researching your issue that bed bugs can also infest chicken coops. https://www.thepoultrysite.com/arti...lt-pests-to-control-in-poultry-breeder-flocks

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