What do I do?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
Potosi, Missouri
Ok, Im not sure what to do. My Barred Rocks are 8 weeks old and going through 55lbs of chick starter a week! I asked the lady at the feed store when do I start them on grower because they eat so much. She said at 12 weeks. She said I am feeding them to much. I fill there gallon feeder twice a day. I do understand they waist some but Ive seen them eat a pint of food in just under 1 hour. I have tried cutting them back on starter and fill in with fresh fruits and veggies but they started plucking each others feathers out. When I took them back to the gallon twice a day the plucking stopped! Help what do I do??????

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How many do you have?

I've always switched mine to grower by 5-6 weeks old. The starter is the same price as the grower, so I don't see how that will help your situation :idunno

Welcome to BYC!
I'm not worried about the price, I was just worried they were eating to much, wouldn't want the government to tell me my chickens are obese.
I happy that im not feeding them to much! They have a chicken run but thanks to my neighbors 6 cats and 3 dogs I cant let them be free range! Thats why I dont have a problem letting them eat as much as they want.
They most likely won't get obese on chicken feed alone. It's the treats you give them in addition to their feed that takes a toll.

How many did you say you have?

Just read another one of your posts. You have 15 chicks that are 8 weeks old going through 55 lbs of feed a week?!

Holy crapoly! I have 36 chickens that go through the same amount, and they are all 8 weeks and older! :th

Are you sure something else isn't getting into your feed? Mice? Rats? Raccoons?
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Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan :D

That does sound like a lot of feed. Are you keeping them under lights at night? That would allow them to eat 24 hours a day. I have 35 ish birds of various ages, and I don't go through nearly as much feed per bird. I also switch to grower around 6 weeks.

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