What feeding equipment will you use to raise chicks


Mar 30, 2023
Chick Feeder
You need a poultry feeder container to hold the poultry feeds for your birds which makes it easier for them to get to and keeps them from pooping in their food. You can use homemade solutions like old egg cartons, and tissue paper boxes cut in half or you can buy some chick feeders.
Starter Feed
Starter feed comes in the form of either mash or pellets. This feed is designed to help chicks grow so don’t feed them normal chicken food. You can, however, supplement the food with chick grids to help their digestive systems develop.
Fresh Water
Fresh water is crucial for any living being to survive. If you want your chicks to grow strong, make sure they have an unlimited supply of fresh, clean water. That means you will have to check the water bowl often for contaminants like poop. Replace water often to keep it fresh.
Poultry Water trough or bowl
You can find water troughs for chickens at almost any pet store. You also have the option of creating your own with old milk bottles or bowls laying around. Do Make sure that your water trough isn’t too deep otherwise, you might lose some chicks to drowning. You can add pebbles to the bottom of a trough to stop this from happening. It will give them a step to get out if they ever fall in.
no roost feeder (6)
Adult chickens usually sleep on a perch. A few weeks in, you will find that your babies will also start to practice this roosting behavior so you will have to get a few things to help them.
The above are just my own opinion.
Chick grit isn't actually necessary if you are feeding starter crumbled poultry feed.

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