What should I do about roaming ducks?


In the Brooder
Sep 17, 2019
Hello, all. I own several ducks – probably burgeoning on 20 or so at this point, all of varying ages – and they tend to roam around the neighborhood. They especially roam when it rains, as they like to play in the puddles around the area. Anywho, one of the neighbors has sent a letter complaining about the ducks, claiming that they defecate and urinate on their vehicles and are a general nuisance to the entire neighborhood. I've never experienced this behavior first-hand, though, in my 2 years of owning these ducks. The neighbors have threatened to take matters into their own hands if nothing is done on our part. What should we do? I don't want to kill them, but I don't think it's legal to relocate these ducks. We have a fence that some like to stay contained to, but a good bit of them fly outside of the enclosure. Most of them come back during the night, but often leave during the day.
Hello, all. I own several ducks – probably burgeoning on 20 or so at this point, all of varying ages – and they tend to roam around the neighborhood. They especially roam when it rains, as they like to play in the puddles around the area. Anywho, one of the neighbors has sent a letter complaining about the ducks, claiming that they defecate and urinate on their vehicles and are a general nuisance to the entire neighborhood. I've never experienced this behavior first-hand, though, in my 2 years of owning these ducks. The neighbors have threatened to take matters into their own hands if nothing is done on our part. What should we do? I don't want to kill them, but I don't think it's legal to relocate these ducks. We have a fence that some like to stay contained to, but a good bit of them fly outside of the enclosure. Most of them come back during the night, but often leave during the day.
Your talking about Muscovy? Fencing is the only way to keep them home an keep them from being a nuisance, it’s like someone who lets their dogs run loose an saying I’ve never known them to cause trouble but there they are over in the neighbors yard a block down digging up their yard we have to respect others property and if they don’t want our ducks on there property we need to keep them home. I have Muscovy and I don’t have neighbors but I have a ton of predators so I clip mines wings so they are grounded an stay home.
Guess you need a taller fence, with a roof on it.
Have they stayed home for 2 years, or did it take that long for people to complain??

Our first 2 ducks never left the yard, but their offspring have been roaming for the better half of 1 1/2 years. A couple of our neighbors have said that they don't mind them, and no one has complained up until now and it has only been these particular neighbors. I guess we'll either have to build them a sanctuary or clip their wings.
Your talking about Muscovy? Fencing is the only way to keep them home an keep them from being a nuisance, it’s like someone who lets their dogs run loose an saying I’ve never known them to cause trouble but there they are over in the neighbors yard a block down digging up their yard we have to respect others property and if they don’t want our ducks on there property we need to keep them home. I have Muscovy and I don’t have neighbors but I have a ton of predators so I clip mines wings so they are grounded an stay home.
Yes, they're muscovies. Is clipping the wings easy on adults? I've never done it and they don't seem to want to be touched, so it would be a bit of a challenge. I'm not sure if a fence is viable at the moment, but a coop or something similar would keep them contained if it's the only other option.
I’ll get you the pic I used when I first clipped. And mine don’t like to be handled either so I walk them inside their house close the door and catch one at a time I only have 5 now but I’ve had as many as 15.

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