What type of comb, are these Dominiques?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Sep 22, 2007
Cedartown, Ga.
I have just jumped into the chicken endeaver with my 12 yo ds this past spring, and thoroughly enjoying them!

We believe we have dominiques (of course neither of us are by NO means educated on the breeds though). We have since learned that the dominiques should have yellow legs. Ours hens however have a yellowish grey color with a darker grey streak running down the front of their legs and toes. The daek streak on the rooster isn't as prominent though.
The older hen we bought from another breeder (who said she was a dominique) doesn't seem to have the traditional rose comb that the domiques have, but she does have the same colored legs as our other hen and with the dark streak running down them.
We would be very greatful for any input anyone can give us. I'll try to post some pic's and a link to a video my proud son took of his chickens I think you all will get a kick out of. I know I LOL'd on most of it.

Sorry this ended up so long!

His Rooster, Dominoe http://images.kodakgallery.com/photos3720/5/26/69/37/11/4/411376926505_0_ALB.jpg


younger hen Eve http://images.kodakgallery.com/photos3720/5/26/69/14/53/9/953146926505_0_ALB.jpg

I can't access your pictures, sorry. The hens are like Barred Rocks in that they can have a dark wash of color down the front of the legs. They are still considered yellow legs, but as they get older, the leg color washes out and looks more white-yellow than bright yellow. Roosters don't have as much dark on the fronts of their legs. Doms do have rose combs, but many are crossbred with Barred Rocks, too. Some people just call all barred chickens "Dominekers", whether Barred Rocks or Doms. Here is a good link for you:
Ok I guess I haven't figured out how to oploast pictures to this forum yet lol. See if the videos will work, and if you can make out enough to tell anything. You should atleast get a pretty good laugh, just make sure your volume is turned up so you can here my ds's commentary LOL! Thanks Speckledhen for the good info. I love learning about the differant breeds and types of chickens! I just thought a chicken was a chicken until we got ours LOL!


Looks like Dominiques, Buff Orps and a very funny, and shy Light Brahma! What was the question? I was too busy laughing at your Brahma...
Oh. Comb. They look like big rose combs. (couldn't quite tell--but I know one of the SLWs in Pharaoh's class had a "telescoping" rose comb...not sure what those look like, but maybe that's why they don't look like the traditional comb?)
ooh--just saw the pics...in my professional opinion, I concur. Those are definitely some FUNKY combs! Buttercup? V-shaped on the roo? Still look like doms to me...
Thanks Silkiechicken & Dr. Goose for your advice and input. What about the older hen's , Ellie, comb? She was our main concern of not being and dominekker. In my very inexperienced opinion it looks like it might be a cushion comb, but that's why I came here to ask all the experts!

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