Whiting True Blue & Whiting True Green


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2018
Good morning! Looking for anyones experience with these ? I ordered some females from hatchery (5 of each) and curious what I should expect. I have seen a lot about the Blues, but nothing yet about the Greens ?? I would like to separate them with bands upon arrival but I can't seem to find out much about the Greens' chick colors/patterns only that the Blues will be similar to EE and will be a mix of chick colors. Any thoughts, pics or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.
I just saw the whiting true blue in my local feed shop! Never heard about it prior and interested to eventually get some one of these days. Keep us updated on how they turn out.
I have one True Green. She looks like a slightly lighter than normal Welsummer...but there were a whole range of red or reddish coloration's among the TG pullets on the farm I bought her from. I think it would be almost impossible to tell a True green from an EE or a True Blue with all the color variation in those hybrids. She is about 16 weeks old now and even though she had never been handled when I got her at 10 weeks, she is sweet and calm and will eat out of my hand. She even jumps up to sit on my knee if I have treats. Her comb is developing well and getting reddish. The TGs are supposed to be early layers, so I'm hoping for eggs by 20 weeks.
I had 4 WG I got from McMurray. They were supposed to be pullets and 2 were roosters. Those two are mixed with my Red Ranger meat birds now and I have no clue which ones they are anymore. My 2 pullets recently got eaten by my dog :hit:hit:hit

But, they were reddish, all 4 and they had "Egyptian" eyes. It looked like they had cat eye eyeliner.
I did notice today that my WTG pullets earlobes have a very distinctive GREEN tint to them instead of being white or blueish white. Maybe you can distinguish between the EEs, the WT Blues and the WT Greens that way?
I can't add much other than to say all 6 of my WTBs are a wide variety of colors, two muffed, and their chick down was as varied. In looking at the pictures of WTG, they look more uniform in color, with red overtones, and much less evidence of wild-type chick patterning (aka chipmunk chicks).
I purchased 50 Whiting True Greens from Murray hatchery in March and they began laying @ 16 weeks of age! I also purchased 25 Whiting True Blues the same time and at 19 weeks, they are just starting to lay. The WTG eggs are already 1.8 oz +. However, there is a percentage of the WTG eggs that are shades of brown. I contacted Murray hatchery and they replied that eventually hens laying the brown eggs will become green, that the WTG breed true for egg color. I felt a bit insulted, as we all know hens lay only one color of egg. In close observation, some of the WTG show no whitish/greenish/blue on their earlobes, and they are solid red just like my Isa Browns I purchased from Townline hatchery. So either I received some substituted variety or WTG do NOT breed true. I will say their eggs are beautiful, the WTG pullets have a calm, friendly temperament (the True Blues are extremely flighty), from day 1 they lay in the Kuhl 10-hole nest box I purchased used, never even once in their chopped straw bedding. Since I sell eggs through our self-service, refrigerated egg depot, I am not disappointed to be getting some brown eggs. I just would like to hear from others who purchased Whiting True Greens from Murray hatchery if they are also getting any brown eggs.
Can't help you with the egg color, but I did just get 2 WTG and 2 WTB so it's good to see the color eggs! I gotta say, that's more washed out than their pictures would lead me to believe. Still pretty, but oof. Not what I expected.
I got 2 WTG & 2 WTB ... The WTG (straight combs) started laying about 20wks/early Dec. Still waiting on the WTB (pea/rose comb), they're 24wks (Jan 6th).
Yup, getting one "green" and one "pinkish brown" from the WTGs. I doubt very much the pink/brown will turn to "green" . Not too disappointed, they both have been laying everyday since the start.

2019 Chickens - 12 WTG Eggs:natural lite.jpg

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