Whiting True Blue & Whiting True Green

Good morning! Looking for anyones experience with these ? I ordered some females from hatchery (5 of each) and curious what I should expect. I have seen a lot about the Blues, but nothing yet about the Greens ?? I would like to separate them with bands upon arrival but I can't seem to find out much about the Greens' chick colors/patterns only that the Blues will be similar to EE and will be a mix of chick colors. Any thoughts, pics or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.
Both the blues and greens are hybrids that do not breed true. So there is no colors/patterns we can tell you about them. They can be any color or pattern that the breeds that make them up might come in, and I am not sure what breeds they are made from.
WTGs should have straight combs yellow legs and look similar to Welsumers. There is some variation in coloring but are more uniform in appearance than the Blues. They do not breed true.
WTBs are a wide variety of colors. I’ve had pure white, barred, wild type, pure black. They will breed true for egg color but not appearance.

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