why are my Ameraucana chickens losing their beard feathers and cheek feathers


5 Years
Feb 6, 2018
I just received 2 new mature Ameraucana hens. They are 2 years old and have full cheek feathers and beards. In comparison, my existing one year old Ameraucannas (2) have lost their cheek and beard feathers. I have 4 hens in my existing flock. Both of the Ameraucanna's skin is exposed on their necks (front only). Thoughts?
One of your old birds could be pecking at the new arrivals most likely. They could be moulting which is less likely. Have you checked the new birds for mites or lice? Can you send pics if possible.
My EE gals will sometimes be "groomed" out of their beards. Rarely are the muffs bothered. IMO, this is not on the same caliber as the feather picking that occurs with protein issues.

Interesting you say this. Mine also tends to be beardless, bare necked, but has her muffs. It does seem to be a grooming thing and I have witnessed it when there's food stuck in the beard feathers.
My EE gals will sometimes be "groomed" out of their beards. Rarely are the muffs bothered. IMO, this is not on the same caliber as the feather picking that occurs with protein issues.
Ditto Dat^^^ tho mine lose their beards and muffs.
They were bare last fall and have regained their facial plumage after the molt...
....I almost didn't recognize them! :D
My EE gals will sometimes be "groomed" out of their beards. Rarely are the muffs bothered. IMO, this is not on the same caliber as the feather picking that occurs with protein issues.
Interesting you say this. Mine also tends to be beardless, bare necked, but has her muffs. It does seem to be a grooming thing and I have witnessed it when there's food stuck in the beard feathers.
My EE’s do the same thing!

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