Wyandottes have taken a very extensive laying break


May 20, 2024
Hello! I have twelve Wyandotte hens, half of them are four years old and the other half three. A year ago they stopped laying (I assume moult, winter, etc), however, when spring came around again they never really started again. We went from ten eggs a day, to two, to one every couple of days.
There are no signs of lice or mites but I have treated them and the coop just in case; they have been treated for worms regularly; their run is approx 150m sq; fresh water; and their feed is 15% protein (I’ve tried higher but it didn’t seem to change anything?). Nothing is stealing the eggs as we’ve tried leaving the one we do find for a couple of days. They used to free range but too risky with foxes and tearing up my veg garden!!
I’m wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience and if changing anything helped? I know hens don’t maintain their laying production forever, but they were only two and three years old when they stopped laying, as heritage breeds. Husband is threatening removal so I’d love some advice!! Thank you in advance.
Hi aart,
I tried higher protein for around a month or so - I will go back to it and try for longer.
Do you ever supplement with high protein foods like sardines or mealworms?
Thank you so much for replying.
I would feed them at least 18% crude protein as in grower or all flock with crushed oyster shell free choice.

No meal worms as they contain way too much fat.
Try some greek yoghurt or scrambled eggs in their mashed pellets.
Do you ever supplement with high protein foods like sardines or mealworms?
No, I feed a 20% all flock crumble...and a bit of scratch grains daily.
Rarely any other foods or treats or supplements.
Has worked well for 10+ years now.

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