Zombie threads


Face it, Embrace it, Ace it, Replace it
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Oct 25, 2015
South Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I'm curious if something can be done about the plethora of zombie threads that have occurred of late?
Some post approaching 10 years have been resurrected by newbies or lurkers that read a thread, sign up just to respond to said thread not realizing the OP hasn't been active in months and in some cases, years!
I know we have a choice of not responding to the post but what does that say about or reflect on members of BYC as being possibly snobbish for not recognizing a newbies post. It makes for an awkward position and I don't want to be rude and tell them their post was out of place....some people take it personal.
I know this has come up before but maybe this delima can be revisited and a constructive discussion/feedback persude to reflect a positive change in posting guidelines.
What are you meaning by "can be done?"

Sometimes those older threads are brought back to life.
I just posted on a very interesting one yesterday that was from many years ago.

Sometimes it is good to bring older thread back to life...some are filled with great info.
@007Sean I think I see what you are talking about.
How new members are posting on really old "Intro" threads, right?

I just point them in the right direction or not post at all.
It does mess up the "greeters" routine but I think it keeps us on our toes too.
I agree, @KikisGirls and @DuckLady, sometimes threads are worth reviving. That's why I posed the question, to see what the conscious on the subject of zombie threads might be...I realize that sometimes my wording can be blunt and/or abrasive, I should have constructed my question differently, instead of asking "what can be done?" I apologize if my question has caused anyone grief or was offensive in any manner.
I agree, @KikisGirls and @DuckLady, sometimes threads are worth reviving. That's why I posed the question, to see what the conscious on the subject of zombie threads might be...I realize that sometimes my wording can be blunt and/or abrasive, I should have constructed my question differently, instead of asking "what can be done?" I apologize if my question has caused anyone grief or was offensive in any manner.
No need to apologize silly.
I think it is great to ask questions.
Everyone should ask more of them.
Sometimes those older threads are brought back to life.....some are filled with great info
I concur.

It's funny sometimes to see them come up and read it all,
some folks responding to the OP without reading the whole thread(not seeing that the issue has been resolved) and/or paying attention to the dates.

"without reading the whole thread(not seeing that the issue has been resolved)"
This part to me is way more annoying and happens every day with new or newer threads.

But you can't control or legislate 'awareness'.

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