Seramas are a popular breed to have as pets and for showing. Seramas have their own event at most chicken shows since they are known to puff their chest out, strut around and flap their wings.They are considered the smallest chickens in the world, only weighing about 6-15 ounces! Seramas were created in Malaysia, most likely by crossing Japanese bantams with other bantams. They are normally easier to care for than other chicken breeds considering that they eat less and require less space.

Serama rooster posing

Raising Serama Chicks
Serama chicks are only about half the size of normal chicks, making them more fragile. They should be kept at 95 degrees for the first week of life, and lower the temperature by 5 degrees every week. A plastic tote bin would work well for a brooder. Depending on where you live, they might need to stay in the brooder longer than normal chicks since they are more fragile.


Housing and Space

Seramas don't need as much space as larger chicken breeds. They only need about 2 1/2- 3 square feet per bird, but bigger is always better. Because of their small size, they are an easy target for predators so it is important to predator proof your coop well. It is best to use hardware cloth instead of chicken wire since hardware cloth is stronger and lasts longer. I do not recommend keeping them with larger chicken breeds since they can get picked on easily.
For food, I would recommend layer crumble over pellets since most pellets are too big for them to swallow. They should also be given fruits and vegetables at least once a week, as well as mealworms, bugs, or other sources or protein.


Seramas as Pets
Seramas make great pets since they are friendly and low maintenance. I have found that most Seramas are extremely friendly and have great personalities. They will follow you around, show off, and like to be held and petted. They are also fairly easy to train.

Showing Seramas
There are many ways to show a Serama. They can be used for showmanship, judged normally in the cage, or used for tabletop showing. A tabletop show is a special event that is only for Seramas since they are pretty much the only chicken that does an interesting pose. Serama owners will put their bird on a table and clap and encourage it to pose, crow, etc. Whichever Serama is the best at showing off and posing wins. I have found that it is better to use roosters for tabletop showing because they show off more than the hens.


