Vicky Ann Painting
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  • What does a typical daily menu look like for your flock? Just curious what everyone else does. Have a great week! 🐔
    Vicky Ann Painting
    Vicky Ann Painting
    You must have free rangers? We have a large yard around the chicken cabin. I would love for them to free range but way too many predators here. We are going to get a chicken tractor for the summer they can go on field trips, haha. Have you ever used one?
    Meri Maura
    Meri Maura
    No, but I am interested in building one next spring. My 4 chickens are free ranged on about 8 acres with two ponds :)
    Vicky Ann Painting
    Vicky Ann Painting
    That is awesome! You will have to keep me posted on how the tractor goes. We have ten acres and one pond I am sure they would love, but the wandering farm dogs, my JRT, coyotes, racoons, chicken hawks, etc. would surely take the love out of it pretty quickly. haha. We call our yard fort knox. So far so good. God willing we won't lose one but to old age. :)
    Have you ever had just one hen who sleeps on the outside of the coop whilst the rest are inside? We make her go in, but should we?
    If the weather is nice and the pen secured, I let them decide. If it might be bad weather or too cold (-5F+), I move her
    Vicky Ann Painting
    Vicky Ann Painting
    We decided she may have been waiting for so long for the others to get inside with their pecking order she got stuck out when the sun wen't down. My husband put her down in the run and she buzzed right up the ladder and walked on everyone to find her place in the coop! haha. We have had such unpredictable weather lately. Good to know it is ok for her to be out if the weather is ok.
    I made my chickens a raised dirt bath. Usually they make their own & I have noticed they haven't been. The weather has been so unpredictable and I wondered if the new addition would lighten up the mood of the flock with something new to inspect. It took less than ten minutes after I dragged it in & two gals were already sunk into it together! Even Gideon the handsome rooster got in!! SO cute!
    Do you feed your chickens meat and carcasses? I feed mine crickets and meal worms. I tried today with cooked local farm raised ground beef and they looked disappointed. One hen chased and pecked another and now I kind of regret trying meat. Your thoughts?
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    Reactions: chrissynemetz
    I've always fed my flock meat and never had any problems :)
    I love your artwork! :love
    Vicky Ann Painting
    Vicky Ann Painting
    My husband calls them highfalutin :lol: Next time I cook a turkey or roast, going to give them carcass and see what happens. I am creeped out about feeding them chicken or egg shells. I have what sounds like an irrational fear of them wanting to eat us or each other after they taste meat....hahaha. I am a work in progress.

    Thank you for the compliment on my paintings. Very kind. Have an amazing day! - V Ann
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