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  • Hi there! I was wondering if you would like to write a fun article on chicken math for the May edition of The Poultry Life!
    Please get back to me as soon as possible!
    Dasha @The Poultry Life
    Wanted to say you're awesome! I don't know how you came up with chicken math, but you must be super smart! Have a great day!!
    Good morning!
    If BYC ever starts a chicken and children photo contest, you should submit your avvy photo. No matter my mood, whenever I see that picture pop up it makes me smile. It is positively darling!!
    You should meet her! She's even sweeter in person. Doing my best to keep her that way and instill good values and caring... tough time to grow up in these days! Much appreciated (and PS- I have a Dobie too!)
    Well then you know how wonderful the breed is. Unfortunately I seem to be losing mine. 2 days ago I was told he likely has a ruptured disc in his neck. He is on Prednisone and is no longer screaming but he is dragging his feet when he walks. He'll be 9 in February if he makes it that long.
    Lost my last one to cancer about 2 years ago now at 8. He had the most amazing attitude so when we knew he was heading out we quickly bought our current Dobie in hopes some of that amazing attitude would transfer over. He's his own dog... and much different- but still great. I like to think he learned something during that period. Best of luck, very hard times.
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